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Q: Which cipher which is still widely used is being phased out in favor of the new AES cipher?
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Is the dragon missile still being used as an antitank weapon?

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CQD, which was common at the time, was being phased out in favor of the SOS call. This was adopted at a Radio Conference in Berlin in 1906.

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No, standard time is not being phased out in favor of daylight saving time. Daylight saving time is a practice of adjusting the clocks forward by one hour in the spring to extend daylight in the evenings, and then adjusting them back by one hour in the fall. Standard time, on the other hand, is the time that is used for the majority of the year, when the clocks are not adjusted.

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UK 0845 numbers are being phased out in favor of 0345 and other prefixes. The new 03 numbers are charged at the same rates as regular 01 or 02 numbers, and can use inclusive minutes in your calling plan.

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No one person can claim credit. The developer of record is the Radio Manufacturer's Association (now known as the Electronic Industries Alliance). The codes have been in use since the early 1920s, but are being phased out in favor of a numeric code.

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Basically, in the future those pages that use deprecated tags will no longer render. Deprecated tags are being phased out in favor of Cascading Style Sheets for formatting the web page.

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Yes, in fact there are quite a few. Travel agents who take a cut and charge fees are being gradually phased out in favor of websites like and that offer travel rates that let you search and see rates for yourself.

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Solid cork liners were used until 1915. Cork particle liners replaced them and used until 1960 and then phased out in favor of plastic.

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In the United States, traffic lights are currently designed with lights approximately 12 inches (300 mm) in diameter. Previously the standard had been 8 inches (200 mm), however those are slowly being phased out in favor of the larger and more visible 12 inch lights.

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