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Q: Who gave birth to Mary 1?
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Where did Mary gave birth to Jesus?

Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem.

Who were Mary's children?

Mary gave birth to Ktherine and Henry

Who gave birth to Mary slessor?

Mary Slessor's mother- Mary Slessor.

Who are Joseph and Mary?

Joseph and Mary are known as the earthly parents of Jesus in Christian tradition. Joseph is described as a carpenter or craftsman, while Mary is revered as the mother of Jesus who conceived him through the Holy Spirit. Both figures play central roles in the nativity story and are considered important figures in Christianity.

How old was Mary when she gave birth when she died?

Mary was traditionally believed to be around 13-14 years old when she gave birth to Jesus and is thought to have died in her 50s or 60s. However, concrete historical evidence for her age at the time of giving birth or death is not available.

How did Mary discover Jesus?

Mary did not 'discover' Jesus, she gave birth to Him.

Which wife of King Henry VIII produced a daughter named Mary?

Catherine of Argon was the 1 wife of Henry VIII, she gave birth to Mary.

Who gave birth to Bloody Mary?

Catherine of Aragon gave birth to Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary) by Henry VIII. Catherine was Henry's first wife and Mary was the only surviving child of Catherine and Henry.

Who are Mary Downing Hahn's parents?

the person who gave birth to her.

What did Mary the Blessed Virgin do?

gave birth to Jesus Christ

How did Mary give birth to Jesus when he made her?

In Christian belief, Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit while remaining a virgin. This belief, known as the Virgin Birth, is a key tenet of the Christian faith as outlined in the Bible. The miraculous conception of Jesus is seen as a sign of his divine nature.

Why is Mary not a good role model?

because she gave birth in a stable