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Q: Are electric charges carried by particles of matter?
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What is a basic property of the tiny particles that make up matter. electric charges can be positive or negative?

The property that makes up electric charge is called just that: "electric charge". Note that the particles also have other properties.

Are electrons the same as electric charge?

No. An electric charge is a property of certain particles (and larger amounts of matter); electrons have an electric charge of (-1) elementary units, but other particles also have electric charge. For example, protons have an electric charge of (-1), quarks may have charges like (2/3) and (-1/3), etc.

How does matter become charged?

Matter becomes charged by electric charges, static electricity and an electric field.

How electric charges behave?

Electric charges behave as a matter and it contains three building blocks of matter, they are :electrons, protons and neutrons of which two are electrically charge

Why it can be said that matter has an electric nature?

Well, matter is atomic by nature, and probably tiny quantum energy strings. Matter is "electrical" in the sense that the outer shells of elements swap electrons to form compounds with atomic bonds.

Why does insulators and conductors matter?

In electricity, Insulators help insulate electric charges. Conductors conduct the electric charges and make them into electricity.

Are particles of matter carried along with a sound wave?

i have no idea lol

What tiny particles found in an atom that have negative charges?

I matter, Electron. In anti-matter anti-protons.

What is the release of light energy by particles of matter that have absorbed energy?

"phosphorescence"Scattering is the release of light energy by particles of matter that have absorbed energy. The transfer of energy carried by light waves to particles of matter is absorption.

What are charges?

You commonly hear the word charges in chemistry. Charge refers to a property amongst particles that allows matter to be created.

How do electrical charges behave?

Electric charges behave as a matter and it contains three building blocks of matter, they are :electrons, protons and neutrons of which two are electrically charge

The flow of negative charges through matter is called?

A continuous flow of negative charges is called an electric current.