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The active site of an enzyme can very much be influenced and damaged by a very high pH level. An enzyme is a protein, and because of that it is very sensitive to pH levels. High pH can denature a protein, and thus "damage" the active site.

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Q: Can the active site of an enzyme be damaged at very high pH levels?
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What is denature in science?

Denature - if it is to do with biology than it is the fact that at high temperatures, An Enzyme`s active site will change in shape, It is now Denatured.

What is the likely reason that enzyme activity is so low at 60c?

At temperatures after the optimum for the enzyme , the enzymes become denatured. This is because the active site of the enzyme becomes distorted , meaning no substrates can bind with the site in anabolic/catabolic reactions. The polypeptides that make up these enzymes unravel , which changes the quaternary structure , causing this distortion of the active site. I hope this is what you're looking for , ORCA-93 :)

How does an enzyme become denatured?

An enzyme becomes denatured when: A) the temperature exceeds the optimum temperature for that enzyme (ie the temperature that it works best at) B) the pH of the surrounding of the enzyme is too low or too high for the optimum pH for that enzyme. When enzymes are heated up too much they vibrate so vigorously that the bonds holding the protein structure in its specific shape becomes broken. The enzyme shape changes and the substrate no longer fits in to the active site. An enzyme which has become denatured is permanently inactive and will take no further part in reactions.

If the substance entering the cell was in higher concentration inside the cell then outside the cell what type of transport would be required?

It would be active transport, a process which requires a cell to use its own energy (unlike passive transport).

What is primary active transport?

Primary active transport is defined as utilizing energy in the form of ATP to transport molecules across a membrane against their concentration gradient. This means moving from a low concentration to a high concentration.

Related questions

Where does an enzyme bind to the substrate?

In the active site, with high affinity.

Why was liver used as a source of this enzyme?

liver is an organic compound that contains HIGH levels of catalase (enzyme)

How At high temperatures the rate of enzyme action decreases because the increased heat?

alters the active site of the enzyme

At high temperatures the rate of enzyme action decreases because the increased heat?

alters the active site of the enzyme

How are enzymes damaged by high temperature?

The body has its own normal temp. And enzymes function along with body temp, you go to high or low it can cause severe damage to the body. Enzymes are proteins, and they are denatured (change in structure) when expose to high temps.

What if bilirubin level is 28?

That sounds a littel high. What are your liver enzyme levels? and are you jaundice?

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A permanent change in the shape of the enzymes active site caused by high temperatures?

A permanent change in the shape of an enzyme's active site caused by high temperatures is called denaturation.

How does an enzyme?

Enzymes are made up of proteins. At a high temperature, the polypeptide chains of the enzyme are unfolded hence it loses its specific 3D configuration and active site, and is denatured.

Why does destroying the active site by heating the enzyme to a high temparature stop the enzyme from working?

Extremely high or low pH values or heat generally result in complete loss of activity for most enzymes. They lose the shape that they should be in to fit into the active site. They and the active site work as a lock and key. If the key (or the lock) change shape, the mechanism will not work.

What happens when an enzyme is denatured?

When an enzyme is denatured the active site which allows it to catalyze reactions is destroyed, rendering the enzyme useless. This process is irreversible but the remains are recycled to form new enzymes.

What high blood pressure medications cause a rise in creatinine levels?

Angitensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors can increase creatinine levels by causing an increase in serum potassium.