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Protons have a single unit of positive electrical charge (+)

Electrons have a single unit of negative electrical charge (-)

Neutrons have no electrical charge

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Q: Describe the three types of small particles within an atom and explain how they are arranged?
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Are minerals that have particles arranged in a diamond or crystal pattern?

Atoms within a mineral are arranged into an orderly geometric spatial arrangement known as crystal structure. There are 14 basic crystal lattices (refered to as the Bravais lattices) which fit into one of 7 crystal system (triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, rhombohedral, hexagonal and cubic) and all observed minerals fit into one crystal lattice and one crystal system. Diamond on the other hand is an allotrope of carbon arranged into an isometric hexoctahedral (Cubic-type) crystal system.

What are the three levels of diversity that are discussed explain them in your own words?

the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem.

How can the motion of particles in a gas be described?

Gas particles move quickly, rapidly bouncing off each other. unlike liquid particles that roll over each other, or particles in solids, which constantly vibrate on the spot.The individual atoms or molecules of a gas or vapour are much further apart than they are in a liquid, while atoms or molecules of solids are so close together that they cannot change places, but they can vibrate in their limited space.Its the vibration of such particles that transfers energy within the substance.If a gas becomes hotter its particles vibrate faster, causing expansion, which then creates rising currents called convection currents. Or, if not allowed to expand (as in a pressure vessel) the pressure will increase due to the more rapid and more frequent impacts of the particles against the walls of the vessel.Convection currents also occur in liquids, but cannot occur in solids.When a blacksmith heats his half-made horseshoe it is because when it is hotter the particles are further apart and it is then easier to shape the metal.Gas molecules move randomly, and Gases have high kinetic energy.

Describe some different ways that information may be transmitted within and between individuals?

Between individuals: talking, sending /drawing pictures for each other, sign language, body language... Within an individual: nerve pathways...

The arrangement of individuals within a given amount of space?

The manner in which members of a population are arranged in a particular area is know as dispersion. There are three main kinds of dispersion, which are clumped dispersion, random dispersion, and uniform dispersion.

Related questions

How did Bohr propose the particles within the atoms are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr proposed the particles within the atom are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did bohr proposes the particles within the atom are arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

How did Bohr proposed the particles within the atom arranged?

Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

What are the limitation of Thomson's model?

Thomson's model does not account for the existence of positively charged particles within the atom. It also does not explain the stability of the atom or the arrangement of electrons within the atom. Additionally, it fails to describe the presence of different energy levels in the atom.

What is the model used to describe the behavior of very small particles such as electron in an atom called?

The model used to describe the behavior of very small particles like electrons in an atom is called the quantum mechanical model. This model incorporates principles of quantum mechanics to explain the properties and behavior of particles at atomic and subatomic levels. It replaces the older Bohr model, providing a more accurate description of electron behavior within an atom.

Which theory describe the way atoms are arranged within a molecule?

the VSEPR theory

What is the arrangement of soil particles?

Soil Structure.

What particles are present in a crystal?

A crystal is composed of a repeating pattern of atoms or molecules arranged in a specific and orderly structure. This atomic arrangement creates a lattice structure within the crystal. Therefore, the primary particles present in a crystal are atoms or molecules that form this lattice structure.

The repeating pattern of a mineral's particles in a solid?

The repeating pattern of a mineral's particles in a solid is called its crystal lattice structure. This structure is formed when atoms or ions arrange themselves in a specific, repetitive pattern, giving the mineral its characteristic shape and properties. The regular arrangement of particles within the crystal lattice is what defines the mineral's crystal structure.

What are terms used to describe rocks with large vs small particles?

Rocks with large particles are called coarse-grained rocks, while rocks with small particles are referred to as fine-grained rocks. The term grain size refers to the size of the individual particles within a rock.

How do chemists explain this difference?

Chemists explain differences in properties or behavior by looking at the molecular structure of substances. Variation in molecular structure can lead to differences in physical, chemical, and biological properties. By understanding how atoms are arranged and interact within molecules, chemists can explain why substances exhibit different characteristics.