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yes it does because its faster and its the primary wave

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Q: Does a P wave arrive at the seismograph first?
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The first s-wave arrive at a seismograph station 11 minutes after an earthquake occurred how long after the arrival of the first p-wave did the first s-wave arrive?

4 min 55 s

Which seismic wave arrives last at a seismograph station?

The first waves to arrive at a seismograph station are primary waves, or P waves.

What waves will arrive at a seismograph station first after an earthquake?

P waves arrive first at a seismograph station after an earthquake. The P waves are followed by S waves, and then surface waves.

What wave is recorded first on a seismograph?

Movement in the earth's crust, as in earthquakes.

After an earthquake which type of seismic waves reach seismometers last?

A surface wave is the last seismic wave to arrive after an earthquake.

What types of waves are the first waves to reach seismograph stations?

P-waves are the first seismic waves to arrive at a seismograph station.

What wave is always first to arrive?


Which wave the p-wave or s-wave would arrive at seismometer afer the eatrhquake?

Both, first the P wave Then the S wave.

Which waves s-waves or p-waves reach a seismograph first why?

The Pressure wave is a longitudinal wave - it is a compression/rarefaction wave and has the highest velocity.The Secondary wave is a transverse wave (side to side) and is much slower.

After an earthquake which type of seismic wave arrives first at a seismometer?

P waves (APEX)

These waves originate at the focus and can travel through all types of matter.?

P-waves, which may also be known as primary (as they arrive travel faster than other types of seismic waves and so are recorded on a seismometer first) or pressure waves as they propagate by the compression of matter.

What is the first shock wave of an earthquake?

The P-wave is the first shockwave (more correctly termed seismic wave) to arrive during an earthquake.