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Soil is composed of organic and inorganic parts. Inorganic is weathered rock. Organic is dead or decaying organisms called humus. Fallen leaves are part of what makes up humus. Fallen leaves (as well as all humus) are found in the "O" horizon as well as the "A" horizon.

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Fallen leaves make up an important part of the organic horizon soil. It has most of the nutrients, minerals and organic matter that plants need.

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O or Organic

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Q: Fallen leaves make up an important part of the horizon of soil?
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Fallen leaves make up an important part of what horizon of soil?

the "O" horizon

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To make a soil profile, you will need to dig a hole or trench to expose the layers of soil. Then, you can observe and record the characteristics of each layer such as color, texture, structure, and any other relevant properties. It is important to document the information systematically and accurately to create a detailed soil profile.

How do you say falling leaf as a singular leaf and not fallen leaf in Japanese?

落葉 /o chi ba/ means 'fallen leaves, dispersed leaves'. 散る落葉 /chi ru o chi ba/ means 'falling leaves'. Plural and singular form in words does not make any difference in a word's grammatical inflection in Japanese.

Why is sunlight important to a green plant?

it is important because leaves make food with the help of sunlight

What types of materials make up the o horizon?

The O horizon, also known as the organic horizon, is composed of organic materials such as decomposing plant litter (leaves, twigs), animal remains, and living organisms like insects and microorganisms. It is the topmost layer of the soil profile and plays a critical role in nutrient cycling and soil fertility.

What is the important in helping a plant make its own food?

sunlight and chlorophyll in leaves

Make a sentence with the word horizon?

The sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the sky.

How do you make the noun horizon into an adjective?
