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The older morphological methods were, in many cases, shown to be wrong because there was no real evolutionary connection. And in other instances the evolutionary connection was shown for organisms that were morphologically quite dissimilar.

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Because of the similarities of the organisms.

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It changes the classification system

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Q: How did the knowledge of evolution affect the way organisms are classified?
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Does an animal's environment affect or does it not affect its adaptation?

This is the fundamental premise of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection; the environment has a fundamental impact on the adaptations and evolution of organisms. The environment "selects" for those specimens that survive to have more offspring. Those animals that cannot survive are selected against.

Does Evolution affect climate?

The word "evolution" means "change". The Theory of Evolution is concerned with change among living things, animals and plants. Such change does not affect climate in any significant way. Earth is also evolving. The tectonic plates are moving; volcanic action is changing the face of the Earth, creating new islands, changing the topography. These changes---the evolution of Earth---do affect climate.

How does disagreement between scientist affect scientist knowledge?

it moves scientific knowledge forward

How did cyanobacteria affect evolution process?

Cyanobacteria photosynthesised, which meant that they released oxygen. This was the key to the evolution of eukaryote cells that aerobically respired. From their evolution, the O2 levels in the atmosphere was able to increase; this is why we eventually evolved.

Which type of mutations contribute to evolution?

Mutation is one of the mechanism by which new alleles enter the population gene pool. Evolution is often defined as the changing of allele frequencies in population gene pools. A mutation could change the frequency of a particular allele from zero to non-zero.

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Did Darwin theory if evolution affect the way species are classified?

No Darwin's theory was not directly linked to classification .

How does evolution affect all living organisms?

Evolution is the process by which living organisms change over time in response to their environment, leading to the emergence of new species and the extinction of others. It affects all living organisms by driving genetic diversity, adaptation to changing conditions, and the development of new traits that enhance survival and reproduction. Through evolution, organisms become better suited to their environments, ultimately contributing to the diversity of life on Earth.

Does an animal's environment affect or does it not affect its adaptation?

This is the fundamental premise of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection; the environment has a fundamental impact on the adaptations and evolution of organisms. The environment "selects" for those specimens that survive to have more offspring. Those animals that cannot survive are selected against.

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what affect tectonics have on evolution of new spiecies

What is affect evolution?

The term coevolution (affect) is used to describe cases where two (or more) species reciprocally affect each other's evolution. So for example, an evolutionary change in the morphology of a plant, might affect the morphology of an herbivore that eats the plant, which in turn might affect the evolution of the plant, which might affect the evolution of the herbivore and so on.

What must be true for a characteristic to affect evolution?

Evolution is the change of allele frequency in a population of organisms. So, for a characteristic to affect evolution it must be heritable, genetically so, it must be selected for, or be the result of recombination processes and it must be in the germ line where it is passed to future generation of, hopefully, reproductively successful organisms who leave enough decedents to change the allele frequency in the populations gene pool over time.

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yes because of the chambers the circulation of the blood is classified into single circut circulation & double circut circulation.

How can humanavtivities affect the evolution of organisms?

Human activities can affect the evolution of organisms in various ways, such as through habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and introduction of invasive species. These changes can lead to natural selection pressures favoring certain traits over others, ultimately influencing the evolution of species. In some cases, human activities can accelerate the rate of evolution or lead to the extinction of certain species.

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how changes in the environment affect a community of organisms

How does speciation process affect evolution?

The speciation process contributes to evolution by creating new species with unique traits and adaptations. This increases the overall biodiversity of a specific ecosystem, leading to a wider variety of organisms and potentially new ecological niches. Over time, these new species may further evolve through natural selection and genetic drift, driving the overall process of evolution.

How did the idea in Charles Lyell book affect Darwin thinking about evolution?

The book made Darwin think that sense the earth is so old, there would be plenty of time for organisms to change slowly.