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Q: How does Jean-Baptiste Lamarck influence Charles Darwin theory?
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What scientists DID NOT influence Darwin's theory of natural selection?

Darwin read the book Lamarck wrote and said that he did not get one idea from it as it was ludicrous in content. So, Lamarck would be the one scientist that did not influence Darwin according to Darwin.

How did Jean Baptiste Lamarck influence Charles Darwin?

Jean Baptiste Lamarck's idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, although mostly rejected today, was one of the first systematic explanations for evolution, influencing Darwin's thinking. While Darwin's theory of natural selection differed significantly from Lamarck's, Lamarck's work helped pave the way for questioning and exploring evolutionary mechanisms that ultimately led to Darwin's own theory of evolution by natural selection.

What scientist and researchers influence Charles Darwin?

Some scientists and researchers who influenced Charles Darwin include Thomas Malthus, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and John Gould. Malthus's theories on population dynamics and resources helped shape Darwin's ideas on natural selection. Lamarck's proposal of the inheritance of acquired traits also impacted Darwin's thinking. John Gould's work on the Galapagos finches provided Darwin with important evidence for his theory of evolution.

Where did Darwin meet Lamarck?

Darwin did not actually meet Lamarck in person. Lamarck's ideas on evolution were published before Darwin's time, and Darwin was familiar with them through his readings. Darwin's theory of natural selection differed from Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Alfred Russell Wallace proposed the same major theory as what scientist?

Charles Darwin. Wallace independently developed the theory of natural selection, which he presented jointly with Darwin in 1858.

What ideas related to evolution did lamarck and Charles Darwin share?

The basic one of evolution. That organisms change over time.

Scientist whos ideas about evolution were the same as darwins?

scientist whose ideas about evolution were the same as Darwin's- Wallace geologist who influenced Darwin- Lyell geologist who influenced Darwin- Hutton scientist whose ideas about evolution and adaptation influenced Darwin- Lamarck economist whose ideas about human population influenced Darwin-Malthus

Who Described evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin is credited with this theory in his book, The Origin Of Species. ---> Actually... Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de la Marck (AKA Lamarck) was the first to propose the hypothesis that species change over time.

Who pioneered the theory of evolotion?

Alfred Russel Wallace,Charles Darwin built the theory of Evolution.Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's ideas also helped.

If Charles Darwin were to sit down to debate Jean-Baptiste Lamarck which one what arguments would Darwin be most likely to accept as sound?

it's likely that organisms, including bacteria are always changing

Did Darwin or Lamarck go to the Galapagos to develop the theory of evolution by natural selection?


How did the ideas of scientists before Darwin influence Darwin ideas?

Scientists before Darwin, such as Lamarck and Lyell, influenced Darwin's ideas by presenting concepts like geology and the idea of species change over time. Lamarck's theory of acquired characteristics and Lyell's principles of uniformitarianism provided a basis for Darwin to develop his theory of evolution through natural selection. Darwin built upon these ideas by incorporating them into his own theory, which became the foundation of modern evolutionary biology.