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Q: What idea did lamarck and Darwin share?
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What scientists DID NOT influence Darwin's theory of natural selection?

Darwin read the book Lamarck wrote and said that he did not get one idea from it as it was ludicrous in content. So, Lamarck would be the one scientist that did not influence Darwin according to Darwin.

Stated that inheritance of acquired traits caused change in a species over time?

Lamarck thought acquired traits were past on, but he was prover wrong by Darwin and his natural selection idea.

What ideas related to evolution did lamarck and Charles Darwin share?

The basic one of evolution. That organisms change over time.

How is lamarkism better than Darwinism?

It isn't. Lamarck was well off the mark; Darwin had the right idea and was later shown to be right (or at least better than Lamarck) by the discovery of DNA and its function.

Did Darwin or Lamarck go to the Galapagos to develop the theory of evolution by natural selection?


Who had better results and conclusion out of lamarck and Darwin?

Darwin, of course. Lamarck did not have the evidence to back up his acquired characteristics and use and disuse concepts, but Darwin had massive amounts of evidence and well structured arguments for his theory of natural selection.

Did Darwin or Lamarck hypothesized that characteristics developed by parents are passed on to their offspring?

?Mendel, widely acknowledged as the first geneticist.the answer is either lamarck or darwinit's lamarck. he believed that characteristics developed by parents are passed on to their offspring.

Compare lamarck's and Darwin's ideas about evolution takes place?


How does Jean-Baptiste Lamarck influence Charles Darwin theory?

The Beagle

Why was Darwin's theory more supported than Lamarck's?

Darwin's theory made more sense and was proven true.

What scientist had ideas about evolution and adaptation that influenced Darwin?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Who was darwin's mentor that arranged his passage on the HMS beagle?

Jean- Baptiste Lamarck