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Think about this one and it will become crystal clear. The more mass an object has, the more inertia it has. It's that simple. Inertia is the property of a body that it resists a change in motion. If it's moving, it wants to keep going. If it's sitting still, it doesn't want to move. Inertia is resistance to any change in velocity. And the larger a mass is, the more resistant it is to a change in velocity. There is a direct correlation between the mass of an object and its inertia. A school bus rolling down the road has more inertia than that superbike that is rolling along side of it. And by a long shot. A link can be found below. At least read the first couple of paragraphs of the post. It will be worth the trip over to Wikipedia, where our friends there post knowledge for free.

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directely proportionally the inertia of an object depend on the object mass

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Q: How does the mass of an object affect its inertia?
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How would zero gravity affect inertia?

Zero gravity does not affect inertia. The inertia of an object is an inherent property of the object and is directly proportional to the object's mass.

How does mass affect the interia of an object?

The more mass there is the more inertia there is.

Does mass affect inertia?

inertia is the laziness of an object, or an objects resistance to change its state of motion, or how easy it is to start or stop an object. Mass is the measure of an object's inertia. Therefore with more mass, an object has more inertia.

How does mas affect the inertia of an object?

if there is large mass its harder to get moving and harder to stop than an object that has less mass.

What object changes mass of an object?

If the mass changes then the amount of material in the object changes. This will also affect the moment of inertia and the gravitational effect of the object.

What changes the mass of an object?

If the mass changes then the amount of material in the object changes. This will also affect the moment of inertia and the gravitational effect of the object.

What does the mass of an object change?

If the mass changes then the amount of material in the object changes. This will also affect the moment of inertia and the gravitational effect of the object.

What are some of the forces that act upon object in motion?

What kind of object in what kind of motion? The question is too vague to answer, and the forces depend on the properties of the object and its environment anyway. For example, there might ... or might not ... be significant electromagnetic and/or gravitational forces acting on the object (technically, any real object in the real universe WILL have electromagnetic and gravitational forces acting on it, but they may be insignificant in some cases).

How is mass associated with inertia?

Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion. It is represented numerically by an object's mass. The more mass an object has, the greater its inertia.

How does the mass of an objects affect inertia?

Mass is the measure of inertia and if you change the mass the inertia will change.

How does mass affect inertia?

higher inertia higher mass

How is inertia related to matter?

matter is not related to inertia. Mass is.