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So when there id fertilisation the genetic information is passed on through the parents to the offspring because the two cells fuse so does the nuclei with the two halves of genetic information.

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Q: How is genetic information passed from one generation to the next?
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What are some genetic diseases that are passed down from generation to generation?

The term "genetic disease" refers to a disease that is inherited- or passed from one generation to the next.

What function in the passing of genetic information to the next generation?


How does an organism pass on the chemical information for making protein to the next generation?

EUKARYOTES The chemical information for making proteins is carried in the DNA, which is found on the chromosomes in the cell nucleus. Whan a eukaryotic organism undergoes asexual or sexual reproduction, the DNA is replicated, and the DNA of the parent organism(s) is passed on to its/their offspring (the next generation). PROKARYOTES The single circular chromosome undergoes DNA replication, which creates two identical chromsomes. The new chromosome is passed to the next generation by a process called binary fission.

How can a genetic drift be explained in biology?

A genetic drift is explained in biology as a gene variant changing frequency. Genetic drift can cause genes to disappear and not be passed onto the next generation.

What role does a nucleus play in reproduction?

It performs meiosis to divide its genetic material so it may be passed on to the next generation.

What is a nucleic acid-?

Nucleic acid is what allows us to recieve genetic information from generation down to the next.

What can geneticists use probability for?

Probability theory can be used to estimate the risks of genetic traits being passed down to the next generation.

Can a cat eye syndromoe chromosomal mutation be passed on to the next generation?

Potentially, any genetic mutation can be passed on...... i think to tell you the truth WOT THE HELLL U ON ABOUT

What do seeds do?

seed contain the mixed/ hybrid genetic information of one generation of plants and provide the mechanism for the transfer of this information to the next

Job of chromosomes?

the job of a chromosome is that it contains genetic information that is passed from one generation to the next.

How is culture passed on from generation to generation?

Culture is passed on to the next generation by sharing and exposing the next generation to that culture. Educating and sharing are the top methods that encourage culture to be passed on from one generation to the next.

What can be passed from one generation to the next generation?
