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Q: How is glycogen and glucose structurally related to each other?
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How are glycogen forms structurally related to each other?

A polysaccharide known as glycogen. Glycogen is made of repeating subunits of glucose, which are the quick-energy carbohydrate in animals.

What are the storage and quick-energy forms of carbohydrates found in animals and how are these forms structurally related to each other?

glycogen is the major source of glucose storage in most animals. It is mainly stored in the liver. Glucose is taken up from the blood stream and transported to the liver where cells link up the glucose molecules into chains which are called glycogen. I believe most types of glycogen formation in mammals is similar, only the amount and type of branching of these glycogen storage molecules may differ. and they are related because some can travel in waves like light and sound they all can have an impact on an object

What is the function of liver glycogen degradation?

The function of glycogen degradation is to export glucose to other tissues when blood glucose levels are low.

What are the storage and quick energy forms of carbohydrates found in animals and how are these forms structurally related to each other?

They are stored in glycogen, and used for energy. I hope you don't mind that I deleted the "traveling in light waves answer"

Glycogen is the form in which?

Glycogen is the form in which animals and humans store glucose. Plants on the other hand store their glucose as starch.

Tissue in body with highest glycogen content?

Glycogen are found principally in the liver. Glycogen is a polymer of glucose residues linked by α-(1,4)- and α-(1,6)-glycosidic bonds. A second major source of stored glucose is the glycogen of skeletal muscle. , muscle glycogen is not generally available to other tissues, because muscle lacks the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase.

What type of organic molecule is glycogen?

Glygogen is made of glucose. So it is an organic compound.

When blood glucose levels are low liver cells convert more glucose to glycogen?

The other way around. When blood glucose levels are low, the liver converts stored sugar, glycogen, into blood sugar, glucose. You can remember it this way: glyco-GEN GEN-nerates glucose.

What sugars is in the mitochondria?

Glucose is found mainly.Also there are many other pentose sugars,glycogen etc.

What is the difference between glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis?

Glycogenolysis is when the glucagon binds to the glucagon receptors , the liver cells convert the glycogen polymer nto individual glucose molecules and release into the bloodstream, while Gluconeogenesis is is the biosynthesis of new glucose

Where is glucose stored in a cell?

glucose is stored in fat it is not stored as anything else other than glucose in fat. This is why people are fat because they take in too much glucose and it is not burned off through exercise so instead of the body wasting it, it stores it as fat

What is the difference between the glucose and glycogen?

Glucose is a monosaccharide (or simple sugar) also known as grape sugar, blood sugar, or corn sugar, it is a very important carbohydrate in biology. Glycogen is a starch like carbohydrate stored in the liver and other animal tissues. It is changed into glucose when the body needs energy. Glucose is found in the body's blood. Everything we eat gives us energy. Glucose basically gives us this energy. The liver takes blood that has too much glucose in it and turns this into glycogen. When the correct amount of energy from the glucose is produced, the liver then turn the glucose into glycogen. The glycogen is then stored . When the body is low on energy (decrease in blood glucose), cells secrete glucagon. This breaks down the glycogen and turns it into glucose and releases it into the blood, so that the body can get the right amount of energy required. This process continues as the body tries to maintain a balance in energy. (: