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Almost half of Michigan is comprised of water and, except for Alaska, Michigan has more shoreline than any other state, fronting four of the Great Lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie. With 3,177 miles of Great Lakes shoreline it is easy to see why Michigan boasts a thriving recreational industry, and leads the nation with approximately one million registered pleasure boats.

The state of Michigan's revised figure is 3,052 miles of Great Lakes shoreline - 2,147 miles for mainland and 905 (revised) miles for islands. In addition, rivers that connect Great Lakes add another 85 miles of mainland shoreline and 151 (revised) miles of island shoreline in Michigan. The grand total is 3,288 miles of shoreline for the lakes and connecting rivers.

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16y ago

Infinite. This might sound like a dumb answer. But technically speaking, a shore line is not a line. Shores have numerous turns and curves and are very irregular. Tracing each and every point the way the shore turns will be practically impossible. Also, there is a question of tides, which may determine the amount of shoreline (a low tide may mean a much longer shore line than during a high tide). But for most practical purposes, the answer that might help is: "Tidal Shoreline - 2,276 Statute Miles" (Ref:

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12y ago

Alaska has 47,300 miles of coastline (where the state touches the Ocean) if you measure the coves, islands and bays. This is only one component of shoreline.

If you're asking about shoreline as states like Minnesota count it (which includes inland lakes) in order to coumpare apples to apples, we need to know Alaska's lake shoreline to add to its coastline. Alaska has about 87,000 square miles covered by water, which is the size of the entire state of Minnesota.

While, Alaska doesn't have any specific numbers for the miles of shorelines of its inland lakes, we do know that Alaska has at least 3,200 named lakes, 94 lakes of 10 square miles or more, and as many as 3,000,000 other unnamed lakes over 20 acres in size. Since the 3,000,000 lakes are at least 20 acres, we can figure a minimum shoreline. A 20 acre perfectly circular lake is 1,053 feet across and has a 0.625 miles of shoreline. Multiplied by 3,000,000, that is 1,875,000 miles of lake shoreline!!! And this is the minimum measure!

As you can see, if you add lake shoreline to coastline, Alaska has considerably more total shoreline than Minnesota's claim of 90,000 miles, though the actual number is not very clear. If Alaska has 3,000,000 20+ acre lakes, then by the math above, Alaska has at least 1,922,300 miles of shoreline. Given these assumptions, the number is probably bet it's well above 2,000,000 miles.

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14y ago

Some tourist marketing materials claim that Minnesota has more than 90,000 miles of shoreline (more than California, Florida, and Hawaii combined). I am not sure if that is true, but am willing to believe it unless someone wants to measure the 16,000+ lakes (cover more than 2.5 million acres -- and that's only the deep water lakes -- it does not count the 11 million acres of wetlands) and 2,000+ miles of rivers.

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14y ago

approximately 3,500 miles of Shoreline snaking in and out and only about 2% of that are beaches..

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14y ago

It has more coastline then all of the other US States combined.

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14y ago

It is longer then the coastline of the other 49 US States combined.

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12y ago

The Alaska coastline is roughly 34,000 miles long.

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Not sure "exactly," but marketing materials claim about 33,904 miles of shoreline.

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Q: How many miles of shoreline does Alaska have?
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How many miles of shoreline does Alaska have along the pacific ocean?

There is 5, 580 miles of the Pacific shoreline in Alaska. The total amount of tidal coastline is 31, 383.

How many miles of shoreline in Alaska?

Maine's shoreline snakes in and out so much that it is estimated to be at least 3500 miles long.

What state has the most shore line including lakes?

Alaska has over 3 million miles of shoreline including lakes.

What state has 3288 miles of shoreline?

The answer is Michigan which is second ot Alaska.

What is the shoreline length of each US state?

The state with the longest coastline is Alaska, with around 33,904 miles of shoreline. Maine has the second longest coastline with approximately 3,478 miles, followed by Florida with around 8,436 miles. Other states like California, Hawaii, and Louisiana also have notable shoreline lengths.

Does Maryland have the most shoreline?

No, Maryland does not have the most shoreline. Among the U.S. states, Alaska has the most shoreline due to its extensive coastline along the Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean. However, Maryland has a relatively small coastline along the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

How many miles shoreline does California have?

California has about 800 miles of shoreline.

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958 miles of shoreline

After Alaska which state has the most miles of shoreline?

Hawaii, and on the mainland, Florida.

This state has more ocean shoreline than california due to its many coves?

The state that has the most miles of coastline is Alaska. It has 6,640 miles of coastline compared to California's 840 miles.

How many miles of lake and river shoreline does Oklahoma have?

about 55,646 miles of shoreline

What is the length of the Alaskan coast?

With its numerous islands, Alaska has nearly 34,000 miles of tidal shoreline.