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Q: How much magnitude brightness do the stars have in Cassiopeia?
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What units of measurement do you measure the brightness of stars?

there are two separate ways that astronomers measure the brightness of a start, there is actuall and aparent brightness. In apparent brightness, the measure how bright it looks to all the humans on Earth. However, the actual brightness of a star is different. Say a star is really, really bright, but really far away. That star would look preety dim. Or if a star is not so bright, but really close, like the Sun. The actuall brightness of a star is harder to measure, but is possible by use of waves and stuff like that, I don't know too much about actuall brightness

The brightness of a star as seen from earth?

Absolute magnitude. Two stars of the same absolute magnitude usually do not have the same apparent magnitude because one may be much farther from us than the other. The other that is farther away will appear dimmer. To compare absolute brightness, astronomers determine what magnitude the stars would have if they were at a standard distance of about 32.6 light years. The sun has an apparent magnitude of -26.7, if located at a distance of 32.6 light years, have an absolute magnitude of 5. Stars with absolute magnitude values lower than 5 are brighter than the sun. Because of their distance, however, they appear much dimmer.A lot brighter than you think actually.

What is a first magnitude star called?

The term magnitude is used to define the apparent brightness of an object from Earth. The scale has its origins in the Hellenistic practice of dividing stars, visible to the naked eye into six magnitudes.The brightest stars were said to be of first magnitudewhile the faintest were of sixth magnitude by visual perception.Each magnitude was considered to be twice the brightness of the following grade (a logarithmic scale).Nowadays there are more than six magnitudes and the use of negative values were introduced. So our Sun have an apparent magnitude of -26.73 whilst Uranus is 5.5See related for for information

How bright is a star if its absolute magnitude is -1.4?

For historical reasons, the ratio of brightness that represents a change of 1 visual magnitude is defined as the 5th root of 100. So the ratio of brightness between two stars whose apparent visual magnitudes differ by 1 is 2.512 (rounded). The brighter star is 2.512 times as bright as the 'dimmer' one . A difference of 5 magnitudes is a difference of 100 times in brightness, which the difference between a 1st magnitude star and a 6th magnitude one.

Brightest star in the sky?

The brightest star in the sky, is our Sun. It is a star. After the Sun, Sirius is the next brightest star, or the brightest in the night sky.

Related questions

What is an example absolute brightness?

Anything that is not the measure of intrinsic brightness of a celestial object.

What the relationship between magnitude and size of the star?

The brightness of a star depends on its temperature, size and distance from the earth. The measure of a star's brightness is called its magnitude. Bright stars are first magnitude stars. Second magnitude stars are dimmer. The larger the magnitude number, the dimmer is the star.The magnitude of stars may be apparent or absolute.

How can tell how bright a star really is?

Astronomers define star brightness in terms of apparent magnitude (how bright the star appears from Earth) and absolute magnitude (how bright the star appears at a standard distance of 32.6 light years, or 10 parsecs).

Why do some stars appear bigger and brighter than others?

A stars brightness depends on two factors; its distance from us and its actual brightness (absolute magnitude). The actual brightness of a star depends on various factors, such as its mass, its temperature and its age.Consider two stars of the same actual brightness (absolute magnitude) - if one of them is much closer, then is will be brighter than the further one. It will appear brighter, even though it would be the same side by side - it can be said to be apparently brighter (higher apparent magnitude) due to its distance.A:They appear bigger and brighter because they really are bigger and brighter, but even if they are not bigger and brighter it could be because they are closer.

Why some stars appear bigger and brighter than others?

A stars brightness depends on two factors; its distance from us and its actual brightness (absolute magnitude). The actual brightness of a star depends on various factors, such as its mass, its temperature and its age.Consider two stars of the same actual brightness (absolute magnitude) - if one of them is much closer, then is will be brighter than the further one. It will appear brighter, even though it would be the same side by side - it can be said to be apparently brighter (higher apparent magnitude) due to its distance.A:They appear bigger and brighter because they really are bigger and brighter, but even if they are not bigger and brighter it could be because they are closer.

What things must an astronomer measure to calculate a star's absolute brightness?

Telescopes, combined with spectroscopy are used for the colors. The apparent brightness can be measured using a telescope with a special "CCD camera". To measure the "real" brightness ("absolute magnitude") you also need to be able to work out the distance to the star.

What are the four characteristics that scientists use to classify stars?

Stars are classified by four different characteristics. Apparent magnitude (brightness) and absolute magnitude (how bright it would appear at 10 parsecs from the earth). Luminosity, another measure of brightness, compares the star to the sun's brightness. Spectral classifications are measured by the star's temperatures. Finally stars are signed a number by scientists through the Morgan-Keenan System.

Give two reasons why the stellar magnitude might be confusing?

You have two main categories of magnitude. Apparent magnitude is how bright a star appears to be when we look at it. Different stars appear to have different levels of brightness. However all of the stars are different distances away. So a very bright star might be so far away that it looks very faint while a star that is not actually as bright as it appears far brighter because it is much nearer to us. Absolute magnitude measures the real brightness of stars, or how bright they would be if they were all the same distance from us.

Why do some stars seem brighter than others?

It's because of the relative magnitude of the star's luminosity. If you are looking at a star from Earth that is about 4 light years away, it will appear much brighter than the same kind, type, and age of star that is 8 light years away. Though the absolute magnitude of both of those stars may be the same (absolute magnitude is the brightness of a star at about 36.2 light years away from earth), the relative magnitude is different because of the distance of both stars. It is a combination of their actual brightness, size and distance.

Which one tells us how bright the stars would appear if all stars were at the same distance ferom the earth?

There are two terms used to describe a stars brightness, absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude. The one you want is absolute magnitude - this is where the stars distance from us is taken out of the equation, effectively comparing the stars brightness side by side from a set distance (10 parsecs or 32.6 light years). Apparent magnitude is the other measure, this is how bright a star apparently looks from Earth. The huge distances and range of distances involved means that you can have very bright stars (high absolute magnitude) that apparently look as bright as a much closer but dimmer (low absolute magnitude) star - their apparent magnitudes might be similar, but they may have vastly different absolute magnitudes.

What units of measurement do you measure the brightness of stars?

there are two separate ways that astronomers measure the brightness of a start, there is actuall and aparent brightness. In apparent brightness, the measure how bright it looks to all the humans on Earth. However, the actual brightness of a star is different. Say a star is really, really bright, but really far away. That star would look preety dim. Or if a star is not so bright, but really close, like the Sun. The actuall brightness of a star is harder to measure, but is possible by use of waves and stuff like that, I don't know too much about actuall brightness

What is the actual amount of light a star gives off?

It is actually absolute magnitude, opposed to apparent magnitude which is how much light stars appear to give off.