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I think to test manipulative skill 1 - a multiple choice test is a good start. Also if you could fashion a question to make the test subject answer in such a way to be able to figure which manipulative skills the test subject possesses. then you could validate the measurement of the manipulative skill the subject has attained.

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Q: If validity as a characteristic of test means that a test must measure what it is supposed to measure is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skill l?
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Is a multiple choice type of test to determine learning of manipulative skill like focusing a microscope?

Multiple choice tests are not considered to determine learning of a manipulative skill. The correct answer could be chosen by guessing and not by skill.

Is multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning manipulative skills?

A multiple choice test is usually not valid to determine learning of manipulative skills. Instead, the student should be able to manipulate the items to prove mastery.

Is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skills?

No, a multiple choice test may not effectively assess manipulative skills as it typically requires written or verbal responses rather than practical demonstrations. Hands-on assessments or performance-based evaluations are typically more valid for assessing manipulative skills.

Is a multiple choice a valid test to determine a manipulative skill?

A multiple choice test is usually not valid to determine learning of manipulative skills. Instead, the student should be able to manipulate the items to prove mastery.

Is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skills like focusing a microscope?

Some believe multiple choice tests are valid when determining manipulative skills and others disagree. Here are some opinions:Yes, the teacher can determine that the learner is already capable of doing the hands on of microscope through assessing her/his cognitive outcome, with the use of assessment tool like multiple choice.No. the skill of focusing should be observed. If you asked about which part of the microscope would be used to focus the microscope, that would be valid.

Is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skill like focusing a microscope?

A multiple-choice test may not be the most valid method for assessing the learning of hands-on manipulative skills like focusing a microscope. A more appropriate assessment method would involve practical demonstrations or performance-based assessments where students actually show their ability to focus a microscope in a real-world setting.

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