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phase change

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Q: The conversion of a substance from one of the three physical states of matter to another is?
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What is a physical matter from which something is made?

an object that has only one substance.(FOR EXAMPLE)water and suger is a chemical matter because the sugar disolves into the water but it is still water and it is not a physical matter because the a physical matter changes from one state to another.

Can you use a physical property of one substance to change matter into another physical state?

Through friction which creates heat it can change the state of matter.

When a substance from any state of matter to another is called a?

This is called a change in the physical state of the substance. For example formation of ice from water is a change in the physical state of water.

What if you mix matter with another substance?

What happens would depend on what sort of matter you are stirring in.

What is a purely physical association of a substance?

the purely physical association of a substance is matter.

What is physical and changes in matter?

a physical is a change to a substance

What is a property of matter that doesnt change a substance into a new substance?

Physical property of matter

What does not change when a substance changes matter?

During a physical change, the matter of what the substance is made out of doesn't change.

How do chemicals differ from physical changes?

When matter undergoes a chemical change, the composition of the matter changes. When matter undergoes a physical change, composition of the matter remains the same.

What is the physical form in which a substance exists?


Can matter be separated by physical means?


Soil is a substance?

Soil is a substance; anything consisting of real physical matter is a substance.