People questioned long-accepted views.
People started to use gold coins roughly in the 6th century. The earliest record of gold coins was in Anatolia. The king, Croesus of Lydia, is often credited with the invention.
People thought he was crazy and not very smart but he proved them. He found a way.
Electricity is an important aspect of life. The earliest record of bioelectricity(a form of electricity) dates back to 1791 by Luigi Galvani.
In science, a conclusion cannot be accepted as accurate unless other people can repeat the experiment and get the same or similar results.
The most widely accepted theory is that the earliest human migration to the Americas occurred over a land bridge called Beringia between Siberia and Alaska during the last Ice Age, around 15,000-30,000 years ago. This theory is supported by archaeological evidence and genetic studies of indigenous populations in the Americas.
African Americans
If you go back thousands of years it would be the people's who came from Asia.
The Great Migration was the movement of over 1 million[African Americans out of the rural Southern United States from 1914 to 1950.
There are the Incas and the pioneers, if you know more, please add!:)
Native Americans, or commonly referred to as Indians.
Nomadic, hunter gatherer people. Eg the Dakota (Sioux) native americans.
is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration
Migration has brought a lot of people and ideas for example.migrationgreat migration
The earliest inhabitants of north America are believed to have been Caucasians. These were made up of a number of indigenous people who settled in north America.
She is not accepted by the white people because she is under the low class and she's not accepted by the African-Americans because she is white. She doesn't have any friends.