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Q: What are not waxes 1 beeswax 2 sperm oil 3 bile acids 4 lanolin?
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What color candles last longer?

White candles. The colour of the candle doesn't matter, only the dye in the wax only has a change of seconds. The only properties that really matter are the composition or type of wax (paraffyn, beeswax, plant waxes,...), also its thickness and lenght.

How does a candle produce light?

A candle is a source of light, and sometimes a source of heat, consisting of a solid block of fuel (commonly wax) and an embedded wick. Today, most candles are made from paraffin. Candles can also be made from beeswax, soy and other plant waxes, and tallow (a by-product of beef-fat rendering). Gel candles are made from a mixture of paraffin and plastic.

How many pounds of wax equals 16 fl oz?

What kind of wax ? Different waxes have different densities.

What will happen if you put wax in a hot bowl of water?

Most waxes will soften if you put it into a bowl of hot water. If you put butter into the same bowl, it will also soften.

What is the importance of carbon in biology?

Any compound with elements C,H,O are called organic compounds. SO Carbon helps make organic compounds. Examples of polymers that are made of these elements are Polysaccharides, Proteins (with N and sometimes s and p), Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA), and although not a polysaccharide, Lipids (Fats, oils and waxes) Each of these biomacromolecules are important in biology...if you know the important of these then you know the importance of Polysaccharides for energy, engergy storage, structural, Lipids for insulation, fat storage, water proofing, Proteins for Structure, hormones, enzymes, Nucleic Acids to code for the synthesis of Proteins and carrying on genetic information on to the next generation.. Hope that helped.

Related questions

Are waxes organic acids?

Waxes are esters formed by condensing organic fatty acids and long-chain (fatty) alcohols. So they contain organic acids, but are not acids themselves.

What is the difference betwween a biological wax and a mineral wax?

Biological waxes are typically esters of fatty acids and long chain alcohols. Mineral waxes are typically long-chain hydrocarbons lacking functional groups. Biological waxes are produced from plant material or derived from animal products - mostly bees and wool (lanolin). Mineral wax is from minerals or rocks and typically from petroleum (paraffin) or coal or polyethylene.

Is lipstick wax?

Lipsticks may be made from several waxes such as beeswax, ozokerite and candelilla wax.

What is lipstick made?

Now good, natural lipsticks are made from oils and waxes. Wax, oils, antioxidants and emollients. Wax included beeswax and carnauba. Oils include olive oil, mineral oil, lanolin, cocoa butter and petrolatum. Some pig fat and caster oil is included for the gloss

What can be use as an alternative for beeswax?

There are several plant-based waxes that can be used as alternatives to beeswax. Soy wax, candelilla wax, and bayberry can all be used as replacements.

What kind of wax does a candle maker use?

Many types of waxes are possible for candles: paraffin, stearin, spermacet, beeswax, waxes extracted from plants, etc.

What are the types of candle waxes?

The main types of candle waxes are paraffin, soy, beeswax, and palm. Paraffin wax is derived from petroleum, soy wax from soybean oil, beeswax from honeybees, and palm wax from palm trees. Each type has its own characteristics and benefits for candle-making.

Is wax man made or natural?

Several waxes are produced by animals and plants, as beeswax and other; but many types of waxes (this is a large class of organic chemicals called waxes) are extracted from petroleum - but petroleum is also a natural product ! Also true artificial waxes exist, obtained from polyethylene.

What molecules are made out of glycerol and fatty acids?

fats and waxes

How do you use the plural form of wax in a sentence?

You can use the plural form "waxes" in a sentence like this: "I have multiple waxes for different purposes, such as beeswax for making candles and paraffin wax for sealing envelopes."

What are 3 examples of where you can find waxes in living organisms?

It can be found in earwax, beeswax, and wax coatings on fruits such as red delicious apples.

Is wax natural or manmade?

Several waxes are produced by animals and plants, as beeswax and other; but many types of waxes (this is a large class of organic chemicals called waxes) are extracted from petroleum - but petroleum is also a natural product ! Also true artificial waxes exist, obtained from polyethylene.