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One of the possible ways that scientists could use as an alternative is vitro testing. This is when they use cells and skin from the outside of the human body.

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Q: What are other ways scientist could test besides testing on animals?
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Can animals die from cosmetic testing?

Animals can die from cosmetic testing as could humans.

What will happen if people dont stop animal testing?

If animal testing continues the death of the these animals could follow. The death of these animals could lead to the imbalance of our environment.

How are the animals chosen for experimentation in animal testing?

Animals are tested because they are healthy and no disease they could possibly have or any meds they are on will effect what they are doing with the testing.

How does animal testing harm humans?

People could still have reactions to the product that was tested on animals!!! People could still have reactions to the product that was tested on animals!!!

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all scientist believe animals can think because if an animal could not think it would not move or do anything. they need to think 'move' to move etc.

What if animals could talk?

They would say how stupid humans are for testing on them and thinking that just because animals don't look like humans, they don't have feelings...I wish animals could talk.

Is testing makeup on animals wrong?

Yes it is very wrong! Think about it. They have no idea if their product is going to cause a reaction. The animal could suffer from allergic reactions, skin conditions, and could have fatal results. In my opion testing makeup on animals is animal abuse.

How do you test shampoo an animals?

you just don't because it is called animal testing and cruelty and it could kill them.

Why are animals used for testing on instead of humans?

in my opinion i think its terrible to test on poor animals , but in a way there are two sides to it it is obviously much better then having to test on a human, as it could harm them but animals could get hurt too !

Could they use plants instead of animals in testing?

Yes they can. But they prefer to use animals because they have the same organs. Brain, lungs, etc.

What is the most important argument against banning animal testing?

Because animal tests are cruel and animals could die.