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The communicative approach to language teaching presents the language in realistic situations and focuses on usage and semantics rather than the traditional formal structure. This allows students to more easily communicate verbally, but can result in a lack of written skills.

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Q: What are the strengths and weaknesses in the communicative approach of teaching English as a forgein language?
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The aims of Communicative Language Teaching?

The aim is to enable students to communicate in the target language just as a native speaker learns his language. It eliminates the need of the linguistic forms, meanings, and functions in its syntax . Communicative languages stresses on the semantics of a language .They need to know the different forms in meaning that can be used to perform a function as a medium of communication and also that a single form can often serve a variety of functions. They must be able to choose from among these the most appropriate forms, given the social context and the roles of the interlocutors. They must also be able to manage the process of negotiating meaning with their interlocutors. Communication is a process; knowledge of the forms of language ,structure in grammar is insufficient. To achieve these aims the teacher might need to use some teaching aids for help,such as some teaching software. For example, by using Language Lab, the teacher can talk to all the students or any of them in a big class freely, this helps communication in lectures, thus the effect of the lesson would be improved. So, in a word, the aim of Communicative Language Teaching is to make students master the language better as a native speaker than learn it as a second language.

What is behaviourism as a theory of language teaching and learning?

Behaviourism focuses on actions as habits. Audiolingual teaching of language is meant to develop speaking habits by repeating sentence patterns over and over. Another approach, sometimes referred to as a cognitive approach, focuses more on understanding the mechanism of the grammar. Behaviourism has been tried and discredited as a theory to language teaching and learning.

What is activity based curriculum?

What is defination of activity based curriculum?Best Answer - Chosen by Voters"Why use an Activity or Task based approach ?" The principles behind the activity based approach is that children are "doers" and learn language primarily because they need it and remember newlanguage better because they have encountered and used it in a realistic situation. Activity based learning recognizes that young children are physical, tactile and use all their senses. It aims to teach language and address a child'slinguistic intelligence while at the same time, developing a child's other intelligences [Gardner, 1988]Source(s):

What is a structural approach of teaching English?

The Structural Approach is based on the assumption that language can best be learnt through a scientific selection and grading of structures or patterns of sentences and vocabulary. The stress is on the learning of essential structures of English.In the words of Menon and Patel: "The Structural Approach is based on the belief that in the learning of a foreign language, mastery of structures is more important than the acquisition of vocabulary." This approach employs techniques of the Direct Method of teaching but the use of translation is not wholly discarded. Teaching is done in situations. Speech is mainly stressed but reading and writing are not neglected.Structural Approach is essentially what the term implies-an approach and not a method as such. There is scope for limitless experimentation in imaginative ways of applying the Structural Approach in the class-room. Prof. C.S. Bhandari has rightly remarked: "It is not proper and correct to call the Structural Approach a method of teaching. It is not a method; it is an approach. Any method can be used with it"The Objectives of the Structural ApproachAccording to Menon and Patel the following are the objectives of the new Structural Approach:1. To lay the foundation of English by establishing through drill and repetition about 275 graded structures.2. To enable the children to attain mastery over an essential vocabulary of about 3,000 root words for active use.3. To correlate the teaching of grammar and composition with the reading lessons.4. To teach the four fundamental skills, namely understanding, speaking, reading and writing in the order named.5. To lay proper emphasis on the aural-oral approach, active methods and the condemnation of formal grammar for its own sake.Characteristics of the Structural ApproachThe concept of English structure system depends upon three main characteristics which are briefly discussed below in order of importance.1. Word Order.Word Order or the "patterns of form" is of primary importance in learning English language. It is the order of words in a pattern that makes true meaning clear.2. Presence of Function Words. The structural devices make use of another important principle. This is the essential use of 'function words' or "structural words". Observe the following structures:(i) I kill the snake.(ii) I shall kill the snake.(iii) I shall be killing the snake.(iv) I shall have killed the snake.(v) I have killed the snake.(vi) I have to kill the snake.(vii) I might have killed the snake.(viii) I can kill the snake.In the second sentence, the word 'shall' tells the action is going to happen and the third and the fourth sentences convey the meaning of futurity in a different way.The fifth sentence makes use of 'have' which tells us that the action is now over. Similarly, the meaning is modified by the use of structural words 'have to', 'might' and 'can' in the sixth, seventh and eighth sentence.The structural words which help the construction of utterances with content words are:(i) The pronouns such as I, me, he, her, their some, any etc.(ii) The prepositions such as in, on, of, under, at, from etc.(iii) The helping verbs as do, have, be, will, can, may etc.(iv) The adjectives and adverbs such as this, that, all, each, every, ago, again, also even, ever etc.3. Use of a small number of Inflections. Another important characteristic is that English language makes use of a small number of inflections as compared to other languages. Inflectional changes are prominent in the following examples:(i) In Verbs: I play: he plays; I am playing; I played.(ii) In Nouns: one boy, two boys, that boy's cap; one man, two men, men's food.(iii) In Adjectives and Adverbs:(a) great ... greater ... greatest good ... better ... best(b) Great ... greatly; beautiful ... beautifully.Principles of the structural approachThe principles of the Structural Approach may be as under:1. Forming language habits. The Structural Approach gives due importance to the forming of language habits. The learners should acquire the habit of arranging words in English standard sentence patterns through language drills.2. Important of speech. The Structural Approach regards speech as more important than reading and writing. Speech is the necessary means of fixing firmly all ground work.3. Importance of pupil's activity. The Structural Approach puts more emphasis on pupil's activity than on the teacher's. It is the child who is the learner, so he must be actively involved in the teaching-learning process.From the above three principles, we observe that speech and oral work are the core of the structural way. The pupil himself assumes prominence in every activity connected in the new way of teaching and learning the language. Oral work, in fact, is the sheet-anchor of the approach.The whole approach is based on the principle "that language is learnt through use, and that the use of it is almost always accompanied by activity of some kind. Pleasurable activity is the secret of success in language assimilation."

What is typically controlled by the left hemisphere?

The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. It also controls spoken and written language, logic, reasoning, and scientific and mathematical abilities.

Related questions

What are the strengths of communicative approach?

The communicative approach focuses on real-life communication skills, promoting authentic language use and interaction. It encourages students to develop fluency, improve their speaking and listening skills, and work collaboratively in communicative tasks. Additionally, it fosters learner autonomy and independence by emphasizing meaningful communication over rote memorization.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the inter language theory?

Some of the strengths of inter-language theory are that it is systematic and universal by nature. It has liberated language teaching methods and paved the way for a communicative teaching approach. Some of the weakness of the inter-language theory are that it is extremely criticized for it's limited explanatory powers. It is based on fault learning, which can lead to a lack of motivation, especially if criticism is not constructive. The theory cannot place an exact emphasis on correct interpretation between the speaker and the listener.

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weaknesses: can not controll language, actions around certain people

What are the goals of communicative approach?

The goals of the communicative approach in language teaching are to develop students' ability to communicate effectively in real-life situations, to improve their language fluency and accuracy, and to promote active participation and interaction among students. The emphasis is on using language in meaningful contexts and focusing on the practical application of language skills.

What are Merit and demerit of communicative approach?

The Communicative Approach is the focus on other activities in which a student learns a second language other than just using traditional teaching measures like proper grammar. It focuses on interaction with natives of that language to gain skill in proper pronunciation and understanding.

What are the advantages of communicative approach syllabus?

The communicative approach syllabus focuses on developing real-world communication skills, promoting student interaction, and fostering authentic language use. It encourages learners to use language creatively and in context, leading to improved fluency and accuracy. Additionally, this approach enhances critical thinking skills and cultural awareness among students.

What has the author Akane Uematsu written?

Akane Uematsu has written: 'Exploring ways of using IT in a communicative language teaching approach'

Definition of approach in language teaching?

In language teaching, an approach refers to a set of principles and practices that guide how language learning should be facilitated. Different approaches, such as communicative approach or task-based approach, focus on specific goals and methods for teaching languages to learners. Approaches influence decisions about content, activities, and assessments in language classrooms.

Candid evaluation describing strengths and weaknesses?

Strengths: Versatile, natural language processing can handle a wide range of queries, adept at understanding and generating contextually relevant responses. Weaknesses: May struggle with complex or technical topics requiring in-depth expertise or nuanced understanding, could occasionally provide inaccurate or outdated information if not regularly updated.

What are characteristic of communicative language teaching?

Communicative language teaching focuses on real-life communication skills, such as speaking and listening. It emphasizes interactive activities where students engage in meaningful discussions and tasks. Teachers act as facilitators to help students develop their communicative competence in the target language.

What has the author Mabel Rice written?

Mabel Rice has written: 'Child language and cognition' -- subject(s): Cognition, Communicative competence, Communicative competence in children, Language acquisition 'Cognition to language' -- subject(s): Children, Cognition in children, Language

What has the author Philip S Dale written?

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