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Temperature can not be used to identify a type of matter

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Q: What cannot be used to identify a type of matter color temperature melting point or density?
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What is the temperature for stainless steel to freeze?

Stainless steel would be frozen at room temperature because it is a solid. The melting point of stainless steel is about 1510 degrees Celsius, and the melting point is the same as the freezing point. So, at any point below 1510 degrees Celsius, stainless steel is a solid, therefore frozen.

Can you determine the identity of an unknown substance by calculating its density and observing chemical reactions?

Yes. You can divide the mass by the volume to find its density. Density is a property that can identify a substance.* * * * *No, you cannot! Density is not a property that can identify a substance unless you know that it is pure.All you can do is with mass and volume is determine the density of the substance, which could be a mixture. For example, sodium has a density of 0.97 g/cc and osmium a density of 22.6 g/cc. These two metals can be combined in various proportions to give an alloy with a density with any value between the two given numbers. I am not sure how stable such an alloy might be but the point is that you could make an alloy with the same density as tin, or iron, or lead or bronze.

What is liquid... low high and medium density?

under normal living constitutions:mercury - highwater - 1g/cm3acetone - lowunder melting const. (high temp.):uranium - highiron - mediumplastic - lowlow temp.:hydrog. - lowoxygen - mediumCo2 - highConsider constitutions under which you consider something "liquid".

Why does a mixture of water and ice stay the same temperature while the water melts the ice?

The heat going into the ice initially breaks the hydrogen bonds between water molecules, during which the temperature remains constant. Once the hydrogen bonds are broken, the heat will go into melting the ice and the temperature will increase.

What are the factors affecting density?

Density is equal to the mass of the substance divided by the volume of the substance. D=m/V When you heat a gas, it expands. When it expands, its volume increases. If the volume of a substance increases while the mass stays the same (no loss nor gain in mass) then the density will decrease. If the gas cools, the volume will decrease and the density will increase.

Related questions

Which is true of a melting point and a boiling point?

A melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid state, while a boiling point is the temperature at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas. Both melting and boiling points are characteristic physical properties of a substance and can be used to identify and classify materials.

Can you use weight to identify a type of material?

You cannot use just weight to identify a material.You can use density to identify materials.

What can be used to identify a type of matter?

temperature cannot be used to identify a type of matter.

What is the density of a ball with the mass of 94.9 grams?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. Without knowing the ball's volume, we cannot determine its density.

Is lead a liquid?

Lead is a metal that is solid at room temperature. It has a melting point of 621.5°F (327.5°C) and a boiling point of 3180°F (1749°C).

What temperature of water is best for ice cube melt faster?

If Ice cubes are melting in water, the temperature of both the ice cubes and the water will be exactly the freezing temperature of water: 32F, 0C. You cannot change this. You can add heat to make the ice cubes melt faster, but the extra heat will have no effect on the temperature, It will all go to melting the ice cubes.

Does ice melting depend on temperature?

Yes, ice melting depends on temperature. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules in the ice increases, causing them to move faster and break the hydrogen bonds that hold the solid ice structure together, leading to melting.

What is the density of gas that has a gram molecular mass of 32 grams?

To calculate the density of a gas, we need to know the molar mass and the pressure and temperature conditions. Without this information, we cannot determine the density of the gas.

What is the density of retinol?

The density of retinol, also known as Vitamin A1 alcohol, is approximately 0.940 g/cm3 at room temperature.

What is the relationship between air temperature and its density?

As air temperature increases, its density decreases. This is because warmer air molecules have more energy and move faster, spreading out and occupying more space, thus decreasing the air density. Conversely, as air temperature decreases, its density increases.

How can a mixed melting point confirm the identity of an unknown compound?

A mixed melting point can confirm the identity of an unknown compound by comparing its melting point with that of a known compound. If the unknown compound has a similar melting point to the known compound, it suggests they are the same compound. If the mixed melting point shows a consistent and sharp melting point, it provides strong evidence for the identity match.

What is density multiplied by density?

no, u cannot