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It turns a yellow-ish color when CO2 is added.

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Q: What color does phenol red change to when carbon dioxide is present?
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Phenol red turns what color when carbon dioxide is added?


What happens if you add phenol red to water and blow in it with a straw?

Just did this in my BIO 100 lab at SDSU so I know this answer... Background: Phenol red is a pH indicator which is yellow in acidic solutions and red in basic solutions. When you blow into the water with the phenol red, you are adding Carbon Dioxide into the solution. Carbon Dioxide would make this solution more acidic. Therefore this presence of Carbon Dioxide would change the solution color from red to a more orange - yellow color. Hope that helps!

Baking soda mixed with salt and phenol red makes what gas?

carbon dioxide

How many atoms of each element are present in one molecule of phenol?

Simple phenol is mono hydroxy benzene and has the formula, C6H5OH So there are six carbon, six oxygen and one oxygen present in a molecule of phenol.

What does is mean when phenol red turns yellow in a experiment?

phenol red turns yellow because it reacts to carbonic acid, which is a product of carbon dioxide mixing with H2O, or water. Phenol red is a Ph indicator, but not a very good one, so it reacts to strong acids (yellow orange) and strong bases (pink) hope this helped!

How will you synthesis of phenol in small scale'?

There are many known syntheses of phenol. However, a few simple ones are: 1) hydrolysis of chlorobenzene: - chlorobenzene + water --> phenol + hydrochloric acid 2) oxidation of toluene: - toluene + oxygen --> phenol + carbon dioxide + water 3) oxidation of benzene with nitrous oxide: - benzene + nitrous oxide --> phenol + nitrogen

What are identification tests of phenol?

You add a specific ionic compound in a solution to determine if phenol or any of its derivatives are present. Ferric chloride (FeCl3) for example, can be used for such tests. Basically, when you mix the solution with the compound, the ions will interact with the phenol molecules or groups, and as a result, the solution will briefly change color. If there is no colour change in the solution, this suggest there is no phenol or phenol-based molecules in your solution.

How will you convert phenol into aspirin?

Aspirin (acetyl salycilic acid) is prepared from salycilic acid and acetic anhydride; salicylic acid is prepared from sodium phenoxide and carbon dioxide (Kolbe synthesis).

What are the elements in Phenol?

There are three elements. They are carbon,hydrogen and oxygen.

Is the carbon monoxide phenols?

No because Phenol is organic compound while carbon monoxide is inorganiccompound. Molecular formula of Phenol is : C6H5OH while CO is forcarbon monoxide. Dr.Chandramauly Sharma

The major product obtained on interaction of phenol with sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide is?

The major product obtained is salicylic acid. Which is ortho-hydroxy-benzanoic acid. This acid is used to make Aspirin

What is the reaction of phenol with phosphorus pentachloride?

There is no reaction when their molar ratio is around 1...but when phenol is present in excess it gives triphenylphosphate....