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The answer is...RED!!!!

Strong Alkali is DARK BLUE!!!

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Q: What colour would a UI be in strong acid?
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You add UI to lemon juice what colour is the mixture?

The color will be a fairly strong red as it is a very strong acid in the pH scale.

What colour does acid rain turn universal indicator?

It should turn the UI to a light yellow because it is a very mild acid. It has a pH level of around 6. Whereas a strong acid like Battery Acid (pH 1) would make it a red.

What shows whether something is an alkali or acid?

You can use indicators (liquid or paper). Universal Indicators (UI) are the best, as with them you can tell if something is acid, neutral or alkali, depending on the colour (there will be a colour indicator). However, you can also use red and blue indicator, but they are less accurate, as although they might be acid (or alkali), they might be neutral as well, so I suggest you use UI. Hope this helps :) Source: Science lessons!

6.7 pH is what color?

Using a UI indicator solution, or UI paper, pH 6.7 corresponds to a yellow/green colour

How do you measure the acidity of acid rain?

You add universal indicator and then compare the colour it turns to an example ph scale. The redder the Ui the more acidic it will be, if it is green it will be neutral and if it is blue/purple it will be alkali.

What color does the pH paper change in orange juice?

The pH of orange juice varies from about 3.3 to 4.2, which makes it weakly acidic. This would be orange on many UI papers, but they do vary so always compare the colour with the chart supplied.

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What colour would hydrochloric acid be in a UI?

In scientificallyish speakingishh ish u would relai that pink and blue and ghelshfis a factoral ecwation XDSo E=MC2So The answer is:lets see1+1=5-78-6=75532+1-10000=ANSWER!:Pie.

When was Youichi Ui born?

Youichi Ui was born in 1972.

When was JQuery UI created?

JQuery UI was created in 2006.

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