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of course god did because he made the stars he didnt name them abraham from The Bible did

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Q: What happened to the soaked mongo seeds how do they differ in appearance from the unsoched seeds?
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What is another word for drenched?

The other word is soaked, as in soaked to the skin.

When a piece of zucchini is soaked in saltwater the zucchini breaks down and loses its firmness which best explains what happened to the zucchini?

The cells in the zucchini shrink because they lose their water.

What is another name for a rum soaked cAKE?

A rum-soaked cake is known as a "baba."

How to divide soaked in syllables?

Soaked only has one syllable so it can't be divided.

Can spontaneous combustion of mineral spirits soaked rags occur?

It can. I heard a terrible story: a group of Boy Scouts decided to do a service project and refinished all the woodwork in the church that sponsored their troop. They used mineral spirits-soaked cloths, and left a pile of them in the church. Spontaneous combustion happened and destroyed the church.

Hiw do you fix a soaked HDMI cable Mine got soaked and didn't think it would effect?

To fix a soaked HDMI cable, you need to place it in the sun

Is soaked an adverb?

An adverb is a descriptive word that modifies a verb. 'Soaked' does not modify a verb (eg the sentence "Dave soaked glanced at Karen, who melted" does not make sense, because 'soaked' isn't an adverb), and therefore is not an adverb. In a sentence that uses 'soaked': "Dave soaked Karen at the water gun festival, and thereafter she was soaked," 'soaked' is used first as a past-tense verb, and second as predicate adjective modifying 'Karen.' Therefore, one may conclude that 'soaked' is not an adverb.

When was Gin Soaked Boy created?

Gin Soaked Boy was created on 1999-11-01.

What is the rhyming word pair for a soaked dog?

Soaked Dog = Soggy Doggy.

How many syllables are in the word soaked?

Just one. "Soaked". It's just like "Float".

How did The Undertaker defeat whoever he did in his third Wrestle-mania appearance?

by DQ. the undertaker defeated giant gonzales by disqualification at wrestlemania IX 1993, gonzales the 7 ft 7 used a cloth soaked in chloroform causing a D.Q.