Nothing happens
You get weak, wimpy Elmer's glue.
You get warm, weak glue.
Depends entirely on the glue. some harden in water, some soften or even dissolve.-Name your glue -
it might explode
Nothing happens
If you put glitter glue on your hand it will go all red and sting, but if you swallow it nothing will happen.
If there was a significant amount of it, you may be sick.
i dont think so besides, why do you want to swallow a glue.
Swallowing crazy glue can lead to irritation of the throat, mouth, and digestive tract. It can cause blockages that may require medical intervention to remove. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you or someone else has swallowed crazy glue.
Swallowing nail glue can lead to stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, and potential blockages if a large amount is ingested. It is important to seek medical help if nail glue is ingested to ensure proper treatment.
Sorry, but there is no glue in cakes.
Depends what type of glue.
The super glue perhaps. You'd be unlikely to unwittingly swallow the others.
you die...
you die