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Q: What is salt solution melting point?
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Why must you let a solution evaporate at room temperature in order to get a salt?

The solution does not have to be at room temperature. Depending on what the solution is, the solution must be heated to it's proper boiling point in order for it to evaporate. Everything has a melting, freezing and a boiling point, and the salt's melting and boiling point's are extremely high, therefore the salt will be left behind when the solution is evaporated, unless the solutions boiling point is higher then the salt's boiling point.

What do you think salt does to the melting point of ice?

Salt lowers the melting point of ice.

Does sugar affect melting point?

No, sugar does not affect the melting point. The melting point of a substance is determined by its chemical composition and structure. However, adding sugar to a solution can affect its boiling point, but that is a different property.

Plus can you separate salt from water by freezing?

No, it can't be separated. The salt water would completely freeze with a change in melting point of solution.

What is the melting point of salt in degrees Celsius?

The melting point of salt (Sodium Chloride) is 801 °C

Will the melting point of ice increase or decrease when salt is added on it?

The melting point of ice decreases when salt is added.

How does salt raises the melting point of water?

It doesn't increase the melting point of ice, instead, it lowers it. When a solute (which is the salt) is added to a solvent (which is what dissolves it), the boiling point is increased while both the freezing and melting points are decreased. This is evident in the boiling point elevation and the freezing/melting point depression system.

Why will there be a hole when you put a pinch of salt on the ice?

Some of the water molecules in the ice bond with the salt to form a solution. This solution has a higher melting point than water which forms a hole in the ice adjacent to the place where the salt was put.

What is a table salt's melting point?

The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C.

What is the melting point of table salt?

The melting point of sodium chloride is 801 0C.

The melting point of salt is the same as its?

Freezing point.

Is the melting point of table salt physical or chemical property?

The melting point is a physical property.