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What is the method used to perform breast examination?

The testing method used to perform a breast exam is a mammogram.

Is method a noun?

Yes, it is a noun. Method means the particular process used to perform a task.

Differences between declaring a method and calling a method?

Declaring a method is when you code for what the method will perform. When you call a method, you are using the method you have written in another part of the program, (or inside the method if it is recursive).

Which step of the method do you perform after you form a hypothesis?

Conduct an experiment.

Which step of the scientific method do you perform after the you state the problem?

Form a hypothesis

Which step of the scientific method do you perform after you form a hypthesis?

Conduct an experiment.

Which step of the scientific method do you perform after you state the problems?

Form a hypothesis

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The part of an experiment in which you outline the steps taken to perform an experiment?

The scientific method

Which step of secientific method do you perform after collect data and observation?

Draw conclusions

What is the next step in the scientific method following the formation of a hypothesis?

Make an Experimentation OR Perform an Experimentation .

What are some ways in order to perform String comparison in Java?

String comparison in Java features four ways. These ways are String comparison using equals method, equalsIgnoreCase method, CompareTo method, and CompareToIgnoreCase method.