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it all starts out by using a hard blunt instrument and just shoving it random places. this is... nt a troll. TEE HEE

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Q: What is the process of making a copy of DNA for the purpose of making Proteins called?
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The process of making proteins from information in DNA is called?

protein synthesis

What are the structures on the endoplasmic reticulum that begin the process of making proteins called?


What process of making proteins called?

Translation. It takes place within Ribosomes.

Process of making proteins is called?

naturally proteins are made by process called translation.. in translation the m-RNA produced by DNA is coded by ribosome and then a long polypeptide or chains of amino acid are formed which folds and forms proteins..!!!

What to is the process of making proteins called?

This process is called Translation. The messenger Rnas that were transcribed from the Dna in the nucleus and then transported through the Nuclear Membrane Pores are translated into proteins in the Ribosomes - those bodies that turn SER into RER.

What is the organelle that starts the process of making proteins?

Ribosomes are the organelles that process new proteins after synthesis. The process is called translation and it uses the mRNA transcript that is produced during transcription.

What is the purpose of the decision making process?

The purpose of the decision making process is to ensure that you have considered all possible options and are satisfied with the choices you are making.

What are codons that do not carry information for making proteins called?

Codons that do not carry information for making proteins are called non-sense codons.

Which is the process of making changes in the DNA code of a living organism scientists have produced bacteria that can make human proteins What is the technique called?


What are the structures on the endoplasmic reticulum that begin the process of making proteins?

The ribosomes.

The process of making protein from mRNA is called?

Proteins are not made of mRNA (it "only" carries the instructions from the nucleus) but from the amino acids that are brought by the tRNA (Transport) to the rRNA (Ribosomes). The process is called translation.

The first step in making a protein is to make a copy of?

it is to translation is a process of producing the protein before that another process called translation process production of RNA takes place this RNA with the help of a coding amino produces the proteins