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It is the thing you conduct your experiment on.

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Q: What is the subject in an experiment?
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What is the name of the effect where the subject of an experiment alters behavior just because he is the subject of the experiment?

Subject bias is a term that can be used to describe a subject's manipulation of an experiment.

Factor in a scientific experiment that is subject to change?

A factor in a scientific experiment that is subject to change is called a variable.

If a related measures experiment and matched subject experiment both produce t statistics with degrees of freedom of 20 which experiment used more subjects?

The matched subject because the experiment involves pairs which halves the df.

What is the subject in a science experiment?

a test

What do you call the people you experiment on?

The subject(s).

What is the single factor that is changed in an experiment?

the independent variable is the factor of an experiment that is altered in an attempt to understand its effects on the experiment's subject

What is a human guinea pig?

A person who is a subject in an experiment.

What does subject mean in a science experiment?

The thing you are experimenting on.

Is Science a experiment?

No it is a subject that we study in where we learn about experiments.

Why is a controlled experiment better than a non controlled experiment?

A controlled experiment is better than a none controlled experiment because you can control one of them and the other you can't. Science is a really fun subject.

What number experiment is max in maximum ride?

She is Subject 1.

If you detect a prodominance of beta waves in a subject undergoing a sleep experiment the subject most likely?

not asleep