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It is the haemoglobin in the cells which allow them to carry oxygen and its also the reason they are red as haemoglobin is red.

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In the red blood cells hemoglobin transports o2.

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Q: What makes red blood cells red and able to transport oxygen?
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What makes up about 40 percent of normal blood and transport oxygen to the body?

Red blood cells (corpuscles)

What is blood made up of that makes it blood?

Blood is made up of red blood cells and white blood cells. Red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs to all the major organs. White blood cells are the body's defense against bacterial invaders. Blood also contains platelets and plasma, both of which can be donated.

What are the substances carried by blood and their functions?

Blood carries oxygen through out your body. Your lungs inhale oxygen and the blood cells carry the oxygen to your heart. Then the heart makes more blood cells to carry more oxygen to pump more blood.

It makes the blood red?

Hemoglobin is the iron-containing oxygen-transport metalloprotein in the red blood cells of most vertebrates and some invertebrates. In mammals, the protein makes up about 97% of the red blood cells' dry content, and around 35% of the total content (including water) and gives them the red colour typically seen in blood.

Why is blood circulation important?

oxygenated blood is very important to the human body, as it provides us with everyday nutrients, gives our muscles energy, and also transport white and red blood cells and heamoglobin

What is in carbon monoxide that makes it so dangerous?

Carbon monoxide binds to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells preferentially to oxygen. So the affected red blood cells do not carry oxygen to the body cells. This starves the cells of oxygen and they will then die.

What makes red blood cells bind oxygen to their structure?

when a red blood cell come into contact with the oxygen, the hemoglobin present in red blood cell produce a compound named " oxyhimoglobin", and thus it carries oxygen.

Why is blood very important?

Blood is important because it keeps your body warm in the winter, and it makes capulets so you won't die of blood loss. White blood cells defend your body from disease. Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout your body. As a conclusion I will say, "BLOOD IS ALL IN ALL IMPORTANT!"

What part of the body makes red and white blood cells?

No.Platelets are primarily for clotting.White blood cells are primarily for immunity.Red blood cells are primarily for oxygen carrying.

What is oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells due to?

Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is able to bind to oxygen molecules. Therefore, the presence of hemoglobin the red blood cells makes them capable of carrying oxygen.

The mineral that makes the red blood cells crimson red?

The Answer Is Circulatory System That Makes Blood Cells RED ! it is the heme part of the haemoglobin that gives blood cells their bright red colour.

Describe the shape of the cells which carry blood around the body?

The red blood cells that transport oxygen in the blood are circular in shape with the center compressed - kind of like a donut, but where the hole would be is a "well" of tissue. It is shaped like this because this shape increases the surface area of the cell and allows it to carry more oxygen. The shape makes it more efficient.