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Water has a greater density than ice.

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Q: Which has greater density ice or water how can you say that?
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Why does water sink to the bottom of a glass but ice floats?

good question..first i want to say why a body floats in any liquid?the answer is it only due to the density.If the density if the body is less than that of the liquid then the body floats in that particular liquid.there is nothing to do with the weight.Yes we can say that the density is directly propertional to the mass but yes that is also inversely propertional to the volume.the relationship is given as ,density=(mass)/(volume)now come to the ice and the density of the ice is less than that of the water so the ice floats in the a question arises how i know that the density of ice is less that that of the water?we know if the same amount of the water coverts to the solid form(ice) then the volume increases but the mass is same so acording to the relation the density decreases.I think u got the answer.Because of the lower density in ice, pressure is altered (P=pgh) where height is the depth of water. Because the pressure is greater at the bottom of the ice than the top (greater h), an unbalanced, upwards force, a.k.a buoyancy, is exerted. Therefore ice floats on water

Is ice heavier than water?

Ice is lighter than water. That is why it floats on water.The term "lighter" is confusing here. A pound of water will still freeze into a pound of ice. However, the the pound of ice is less dense than the pound of water, so it floats. This gives the impression that a pound of ice is lighter than a pound of water. Well really, it depends on the quantity of both ice and water. However lets say if you had 1 kilogram of ice and 1 kilogram of water. The ice would weigh more because the particles are pulled together more and they're no longer liquid (physically) and the ice would be bigger and heavier (obviously) .

What is the difference of relative density versus density?

Absolute versus relative densityDensity is mass per unit volume. To determine an object's density (absolute), simply divide its mass by its volume. For example, 1000 kilograms of water occupies one cubic meter. We can therefore say that water's density is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3), which equals one kilogram per liter (kg/L), which also equals one gram per milliliter (g/mL). Now, let's say you have some other substance that also occupies one cubic meter but weighs 2000 kilograms. It has a density of 2000 kg/m3. In other words, relative to water, the substance is twice as dense as water. Now you have an idea of what relative density is.If we use water as a reference, we can compare other substances' densities to the density of water. Simply divide the substance's absolute density by the absolute density of water to get the relative density of the substance (relative to water). Relative density is a unit-less quantity; it is just a number. If a substance is denser than water, its relative density will be greater than one. If it's less dense than water, it will have a relative density less than one.Relative density is also known as Specific Gravity.

Does ice have more volume than water?

The phrasing of the question reveals a basic misunderstanding of the term "weight." Here is a famous trick question: Which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? Many people who answer quickly without thinking say the lead weighs more. That is, of course, silly. A pound is a pound is a pound. A pound of lead weighs exactly the same as a pound of feathers. But a pound of lead will occupy far less volume than a pound of feathers because the lead has greater density than the feathers. So let's look at the water-ice comparison. If you had asked, "Does a cubic foot of ice weigh less than a cubic foot of water," we could have answered, "Yes. Because ice is less dense than liquid water, equal volumes of the two substances will have different weights. So, a cubic foot of ice weighs less than a cubic foot of water."

50 milliliter of water equals how many milliliter of ice?

ice is a solid so u can't say ml, u may say grams, but anw, hypothetically speaking, it is still 50ml.

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Why does water sink to the bottom of a glass but ice floats?

good question..first i want to say why a body floats in any liquid?the answer is it only due to the density.If the density if the body is less than that of the liquid then the body floats in that particular liquid.there is nothing to do with the weight.Yes we can say that the density is directly propertional to the mass but yes that is also inversely propertional to the volume.the relationship is given as ,density=(mass)/(volume)now come to the ice and the density of the ice is less than that of the water so the ice floats in the a question arises how i know that the density of ice is less that that of the water?we know if the same amount of the water coverts to the solid form(ice) then the volume increases but the mass is same so acording to the relation the density decreases.I think u got the answer.Because of the lower density in ice, pressure is altered (P=pgh) where height is the depth of water. Because the pressure is greater at the bottom of the ice than the top (greater h), an unbalanced, upwards force, a.k.a buoyancy, is exerted. Therefore ice floats on water

Does ice have more cooling effect or cold water?

Most people would say ice, because it's colder, but I say neither is. Ice is just frozen water (which is a physical change), therefore, neither is better than the other.

How dense can ice get?

To calculate the density of any object all you need to do is measure the mass and volume. Density = mass/volumeThe density of ice is less than water(which is why only the top of lakes freeze in the winter). For those that want to find the density while it is floating in water look below: Imagine a cube of ice floating in water. In order for it to float the force of gravity on the ice must equal the force of buoyancy on the ice. The force of buoyancy as described by Archimedes is equal to the mass of water displaced by the ice. Lets say the ice is x cm below the level of the water. then: force buoyancy = (density of water)*volume*gforce buoyancy = (density of water)*(area of ice cube)*x*g where g is the acceleration due to gravity equating this to the force of gravity gives: (density of water)*x = (density ice)*(total height of cube) hope that helps.

What is more dense the water or the ice?

Water has a greater density than ice. When water freezes, it expands, which means the same amount of H20 is taking up more space. Since density is a ratio of the amount of matter in an object (mass) to how much space it takes up (volume), if something is larger in size and has the same mass as something smaller in size, the smaller thing will always have more density than the larger thing.

When water turns to ice does it expand?

If you have 100ml of water, when it turns to ice it will become about 109ml in volume, so about a 9% increase in volume after it freezes. When the temperature plummets to a much lower termperature, say -50F, the volume of the ice will decrease by a small amount, about 0.4% from the 109ml tial volume.

Why does ice float on water when it is water?

It is supposed to work that way: substances that are not as dense are displaced by substances that are more dense. Another way to say this is that heavier objects and materials will sink, and lighter objects will float.Ice floats because the molecules are arranged in the solid phase in such a way that they occupy more space than when they can slide together in a liquid. This "crystal lattice" structure means that ice weighs 10% less than the same volume of water. Another way to state this is that a given weight of ice takes up more space than the same weight of water. A container full of ice, if it melts, will not be completely full of water, even when no evaporation is allowed to occur.

Does density change when the size of an object changes?

No. A drop of water and a tankerful of it have the same density. But these are two different masses of the same material. If you have, say a piece of metal and heat it up so that it expands, and there is still the same amount of substance, then the density decreases as the substance expands. Water expands as it freezes; that is why ice floats in water.

Why don't floating ice cubes raise the water level when they melt?

cause whhen ice melts it turns to water that all i should have to say **The previous answer is nonsense. If the dough (or whatever other material you wish to use) is floating in a full cup of water with ice, as the ice melts the level of the cup WILL NOT RISE. Simple physics, ice is less dense than water. Density is equal to mass divided by volume or Density = Mass/Volume Therefore, differentiating between equal masses of water and ice, the melted ice will have LESS volume than the equal (mass) amount of water in the glass thereby having no effect on the overall volume of water in the glass..... to paraphrase the first answer-er ... 'duh'

How does volume effect density?

Answer Increasing the volume of a quantity while keeping its mass fixed decreases its density (mathematically, d = m/v). This can be observed in the transition of water from its liquid stage to its solid stage, or vice versa. As water turns into ice, its volume increases yet its mass is fixed (no additional water is added or lost--assuming the losses from evaporation is negligible); hence its density will decrease. This is why ice cubes float in drinks, or icebergs exist. drugs are bad mmkay!!!!!

They say that blood is thicker than water The relative density of water is 1.00 What is the relative density of blood?
