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Both contain DNA

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Q: Which of the following would not support the endosymbiotic theory of the origin of mitochondri and chloroplasts?
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What statement fails to support the endosymbiotic theory?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts reproduce independently from the cell.

What are factw about mitochondria and chloroplasts constitution support for the endosymbiont theorym?

There are three characteristics of mitochondria and chloroplasts that support this theory. First, both mitochondria and chloroplasts have two membranes surrounding them. Second, like prokaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplasts contain ribosomes, as well as a circular DNA molecules attached to their inner membranes. Third, mitochondria and chloroplasts are autonomous.

Which 2 organelles help to support the plant cell?

Mitochondria & Chloroplasts

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What features of chloroplasts and mitochondria could be used to support the notion that symbiosis provided a foothold for their development?

Symbiosis interaction between two or more different biological species. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts can arise only from preexisting mitochondria and chloroplasts. Therefore this notion is not factual.

Do mitochondria and chloroplasts have ribosomes that are similar in size and structure to those of bacteria?

Yes, they do - this is one piece of evidence used to support the endosymbiotic theory. This states that Eukaryotic cells arose from Prokaryotic cells that engulfed other Prokaryotic cells. The DNA found in mitochondria and chloroplasts is similar in size and shape (circular) to that of bacteria.

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Can the earth support a 100 billion people?

In the near future, if we create chloroplasts for human photosynthesis, then we don't have to eat food anymore. In this case, the earth maybe able to support 100 billion people.

What green organelle is found only in plants and what is its functions?

Chloroplasts trap sunlight and convert it to energy. It then takes energy, water, and carbon dioxide, and disassembles it, and reassembles it into glucose. A cell wall provides protection and support to a plant cell.

Discuss evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory of eukaryotic evolution?

1.) Mitochondria and plastids are relatively the same size as bacteria 2.) Mitochondria and plastids have nucleiod DNA molecules - just like bacteria. 3.) Mitochondria and plastids reproduce the same way as bacteria - binary fission.

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