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Q: Which theory has been accused of simply naming rather than explaining behaviors?
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She was accused of kissing someone in the window. That's what Claudio and Don Pedro saw happen, or rather what they thought they saw happen. The assumption is that it went way beyond kissing.

What is the reflection of norm-oriented based assessment?

Process-oriented assessment is based on an observation of behaviors of a task, rather than the quality of the actual completed object. The student will be evaluated for participating and performing certain behaviors, rather than their success or failure. An example of this is participation in archery class. The student gets credit for holding the bow properly and proper stance, rather than if they hit the target.

The burden of proof rested with the accuser rather than the accused what does this mean?

That if there was a doubt about a person's guilt, he or she should be judged innocent.

Why is it easier to extinguish behaviors that have been reinforced on fixed rather than variable schedules of reinforcement?

It is easier to extinguish behaviors that have reinforced on a fixed schedule rather than a variable schedule of reinforcement because a fixed schedule requires a reward every time the behavior happens. A variable schedule only rewards every so often.

A civilian board that oversees the actions of a local police service is called?

In a rather literal naming scheme: Civilian Police Oversight Agency.

What is the adverb for name?

There is an adverb "namely" but it has a connotation of "specifically by name" rather than done by name.The verb to name has participle adjectives naming and named, but they do not form adverbs. put the peanut in the peanut whole What is the rest of the joke?

It's a metaphor for sex, the parents when explaining sex to the children used peanuts rather than the birds and the bees.

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Negative reinforcement encourages behaviors to continue with the incentive of taking away something bad. Punishment encourages bad behaviors to stop through fear of consequence. Psychologists recommend using negative reinforcement over punishment because it encourages desirable behaviors instead of removing undesirable behaviors without putting a desirable alternative in its place, and because it is based on a positive hope for reward, rather than fear of consequence.