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Communism is a form of socialism developed by Karl Marx, who wrote the Communist Manifesto.

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Q: Who developed the theory of communism?
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Where did communism start?

Communism was first developed in Russia

The communist theory of government was developed by .?

The Communist view is that Communism has no classes and hence no role for government.

What is true A socialism developed from communism B capitalism developed from communism C communism developed from socialism D socialism developed from capital?

The true statement is, Socialism Developed From Sommunism, it's A. (By Solomon Zelman)

Who propose this theory?

Karl Marx proposed the theory of communism.

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A centrally planned economy with all economic and political power resting in the hands of the central government is known as communism. Karl Marx developed communism into a scientific theory.

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During communism the economy was modernized, developed, expanded.

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Marxist theory holds that communism evolves, inevitably, from capitalism.

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