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As you lower temperature, pure water freezes first at exactly 0 degrees

Centigrade or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. (That is part of the definition of those temperature scale.)

When water has any impurity in it, the freezing temperature is lower. This is called "freezing point depression."


People say, "Pure water freezes faster than salt water," but what is more accurate is to say that salt water freezes at a lower temperature than pure water. If you cool two identical samples of water, one pure and one salty, then temperature of salt water has to be lowered further to freeze, so it takes longer.

Tap water or any form of fresh water usually has such a small quantity of impurities present that the decrease in freezing temperature is a tiny fraction of a degree and not noticeable without specialized equipment.

Once you get to a percent or two of impurities in water, you start to see a degree or two change in freezing temperature. The specific change depend on what impurity you put into the water, but the more you put in, the lower the freezing temperature gets.

The cause of freezing point depression is a result of the disruption of the perfectly regular arrangement that water molecules want to make when they form solid crystalline water, i.e.

pure ice. Basically all pure solids, want to form some kind of perfect crystalline arrangement of their constituent atoms or molecules when cooled to a low enough temperature, i.e.

the freezing temperature. Such a perfectly regular arrangement is disrupted by impurities, large impurities or charged impurities being more disruptive for water. As a result of the disruption the temperature must be lowered further before the energetics and the forces between particles becomes favorable enough to form the solid.

So, impurities in almost any material will cause a lowering of the temperature at which the material changes from a liquid to a solid.

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13y ago

Tap water will freeze first. Salty water is no longer tap water therefore has a different freezing point from tap water (which is lower than tap water)

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12y ago

its because tap water has diffrent liquids in it that make it freeze faster then pepper water.

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Q: Why does tap water freeze before salt water?
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What is the variable of adding salt to tap water?

it will take longer to freeze

Which freeze faster salt water or tap water?

Put both in the freezer and use a timer. It must be in a freezer, because if you have ever heard of super-cooled water, a lack of vibrations causes water to remain liquid below the normal freezing point (0 degrees Celsius), that is if it is not disturbed at all.

Which freezes faster out of salt water sugar water and tap water and why?

Assuming there are equal concentrations of salt and sugar in each sample, the sugar water will freeze faster. Salt dissociates into its ions when dissolved, giving two ions for ever salt molecule. Because freezing point depression depends only on concentration, and the concentration of ions is double that of the sugar, sugar will freeze faster.

Will salt tap or bottled water freeze faster?

The freezing rate in order of fastest to slowest would be: tap water, bottled water and then salt water. Although it's a toss up between bottled water and tap water. The more sodium content of a solution, the slower the rate of freezing. In fact, a supersaterated sodium solution has to have a temperature of -21 degrees Celsius in order to freeze. Any temperature above that, will cause the salt to melt the ice. That is why they use use salt on icy roadways in the winter. If the ambient temperature is below -21 degrees celsius however, ice on the roads won't help. So salt water would be the last to freeze. Why did I say tap water before bottled water? Bottled water usually, but not always, comes from natural springs. Although some people prefer this water over tap water, spring water can contain minerals, such as sodium (salt), calcium, which can slow the rate of freezing, unless the temperature is low enough. Tap water is wastewater that has been treated with chemicals (such as chlorine) and and filtered prior to it being sent to your home. The addition of these chemicals shouldn't slow down the rate of freeze and that's why I said it's a toss up between bottled and tap water. The difference in chemical make-up shouldn't interfere with the freeze rate, especially in a home freezer. Note that water at room temperature tends to freeze slighlty faster then cold water in a home freezer.

Salt water and tap water which one freezes faster?

fresh water freezes at a higher temperature so should freeze before salt water. This is because when you dissolve substances in water you get freezing point depression this is where they need colder temperature to freeze. So this is why things like jam, vodka won't freeze in most home freezers even though they contain alot of water they also have alot of dissolved substances. Also why salt is spread on roads to melt the ice.

Related questions

Which will freeze fastest tap water tap salt water and tap sugared water?

Plain Tap water would freeze fastest.Adding salt or sugar to tap water will cause a depression/decrease in freezing point. Hence it will be harder to freeze the tap salt or sugar water.

What would freeze quicker tap water or salt water?

Tap water.

What will freeze the fastest sea salt water tap water or sugar water?

i think tap water will freeze the fastest

How does salt water freeze faster than tap water?

It doesn't. Tap water freezes faster than salt water.

Will salt water freeze faster than tap water?

no, but happens reverse.

Which will freeze the faster between salt water sugar water and tap water?

Tap Water because adding substances to the water (salt or sugar) reduce the rate at which water will form ice crystals, making it freeze at a lower temperature.

What is the variable of adding salt to tap water?

it will take longer to freeze

Will tap water freeze faster than salt water?

Fresh water freezes faster than salt water, yes.

Does tap water has salt?

No tap water doesnt have salt as it goes through several filtres before reaching your tap.

What freezes faster in less than an hour salt or tap water?

Tap water would freeze faster but salt water would allow the waters freezing point to be lowered.

Will tap water freeze?

yeah, did you ever make ice cubes before? you use tap water.

Which freeze faster salt water or tap water?

Put both in the freezer and use a timer. It must be in a freezer, because if you have ever heard of super-cooled water, a lack of vibrations causes water to remain liquid below the normal freezing point (0 degrees Celsius), that is if it is not disturbed at all.