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because once it has left the bottle it can easily become contaminated.

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Q: Why is it unwise to put left calcium carbonate back in the bottle?
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How could a geologist use acid to get a pyrite fossil out of limestone?

Hydrochloric acid is used by geologists in the field to test if a rock contains carbonate minerals and to further distinguish between calcium and magnesium carbonate rocks. When acid is poured onto a non carbonate rock sample there will usually be no reaction. However calcium carbonate (limestone) will react by fizzing vigorously and magnesium carbonate (dolomite) will also react or fizz, but much more slowly. If the geologist suspects the sample in question is marble he will attempt to crush or powder part of the specimen using his geological hammer. When the acid is poured onto powdered marble, this will also react by fizzing. Some other sedimentary rocks, for example sandstones, may have mineral cements that are carbonates. As such acid can also be used as an aid in the identification of the cementing material. The "fizzing" is caused by the reaction of the acid with the carbonate rocks to produce carbon dioxide gas. The reaction takes the following form: HCl(aq) + CaCO3(s) = CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) Where: HCl = hydrochloric acid CaCO3 = calcium carbonate CaCl2 = calcium chloride CO2 = carbon dioxide H2O = water If the sample still does not react with acid in any way after following the above steps, the geologist will most likely conclude that the sample is not a carbonate of any form. However they may also take the sample back to the laboratory for further study. Please see the related links.

What does changing air pressure do to an empty water bottle?

When you pour in the hot water, it takes up all of the space inside the bottle (since it is a fluid). When you pour out the hot water and quickly put on the cap the air pressure inside the bottle is less than the air pressure outside causing the bottle to implode on itself. I'm not really sure about pouring cold water on after, maybe someone knows the answer to that part. But if you try doing it you can probably figure out what the answer is! Actually: When you pour the hot water in, and then out of the bottle the air that rushes in to replace the water is warmed by the water, and the warmed sides of the bottle, causing it to expand and some air leaves the bottle. When you then cap the bottle and let it cool to room temperature the air inside contracts, but because the cap is on no air can get back in to even things out. This causes the pressure inside the bottle to drop. Because the outside air pressure is higher than that inside the bottle, the bottle will chrush in, if it is plastic, until the bottle is small enough that the two pressures are equal. Pouring cold water on the bottle just amplifies the contraction of the air inside the bottle causing an even more pronounced effect. Note that this can be hazardous if you use glass, because the glass will not bend or crush but appear normal until the pressure difference gets to high and the glass simply implodes all at once.

What is the science experiment of Egg Vacuum also knowen as Sucking an egg into a bottle and how do you do it?

Egg Vacuum For an experiment I decided to do 'Egg Vacuum'. It is a force of air that pushes the egg inside of the bottle; this is the method we used: # Find a bottle with a long, narrow neck and set it on the table. The opening should be just small enough to keep the egg from falling inside. # Boil and peel and egg. # Drop 3 lit matches into the bottle. # Quickly place the egg over the mouth of the bottle. What happens you may ask? The lit matches heat the air inside the bottle. When air is heated it expands and takes up more room. As the heated air expands, some of it escapes out the bottle. When the matches go out, the air inside the bottle cools and contracts (and takes up less room), thus creating a lower pressure inside the bottle than outside. The greater pressure outside the bottle forces the egg into the bottle. Now I'm going to tell you about Expansion, Expansion is an increase in the size of a body without the addition of material to the body. Most solids and liquids expand when they are heated and contract when they are cooled. Gases also expand when they are heated at a constant pressure. If a gas is heated in a container that prevents expansion, the pressure of the gas increases. If I wanted to get the egg out, I would simply turn the bottle upside down and blow into it. The increased air pressure in the bottle will cause the egg to pop back out. Below are some useful Related Links:

What happens when you put a plastic bottle of water into the freezer?

The water will turn to Ice. The act of freezing the water causes it to expand in volume. As a result the plastic bottle will swell and deform slightly but it will not burst or break. A glass bottle When we put a plastic bottle in the freezer it contracts, whereas when we put water it dilates. So while the plastic bottle contracts and the water dilates so the bottle eventually contracts.

What does the genie is out of the bottle mean?

It's a way of saying that once you open something up, it's hard to put everything back inside again. You've "opened" a confrontational situation or a tough conversation. A genie is a magical being that was often shown as being trapped in a bottle. Once you let it out, you weren't going to trap it again very easily.

Related questions

Why is it unwise to put AR calcium carbonate back in the bottle after an experiment?

The purpose is to avoid any contamination of the reagent in the bottle.

Do mollusk have a back bone?

No, they have a shell made out of calcium carbonate.

Will calcium carbonate damage pool water?

It will make the water cloudy. to remove calcium carbonate simply lower pH in the pool to 7.0 or lower and calcium carbonate will redissolve back into suspension and water will clear up. You can get this characteristic by adding sodium Carbonate too quickly.

What is free lime?

Free lime is lime that has not set back into calcium carbonate, it remains either as isolated calcium oxide or hydroxide.

How does calcium carbonate purify iron?

Calcium carbonate (limestone) is used in blast furnaces to capture impurities and form a slag that floats above the molten iron to keep the impurities from mixing back into the iron.

How do you separate calcium carbonate from sand?

Both the components in the mixture are insoluble in water. However, calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid to form calcium chloride (which is soluble in water) whereas the sand remains unchanged. Sand can now be separated by filtration. Calcium carbonate is recovered back by treating the filtrate (calcium chloride) with sodium carbonate. After filtration is again carried out, what you have on the filter paper is calcium carbonate.

Is a mollusk a vertebrate when it has a shell?

No. The vertebrate is not an actual back bone. Shells are made out of calcium carbonate or CaCO3.

What is a lime?

a type of citrus fruit and calcium oxide that is greenLime is Calcium Carbonate (usually upto 96% plus other metallic elements) in it's natural form, when you burn it, it becomes calcium oxide, generally speaking for building you then add it to water making calcium hydroxide then it resets back to calcium carbonate... thus the lime cycle.

Is changing of calcium carbonate into carbon dioxide a chemical or physical change?

Well, when it's changed, is there any way to get the calcium carbonate back? Think of that when you want to know. Physical changes appearance. Chemical changes what its made of and its particles.

How long does it take for calcium hydroxide to degrade back to calcium oxide by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?

Calcium hydroxide can absorb carbon dioxide and become calcium carbonate; by heating calcium carbonate is transformed in calcium oxide. The time for these reactions depends on the temperature, pressure, volume of the reactants, amounts of reactants, the physical appearance, sometimes stirring etc. Please read a chemical kinetics book for more details and understanding of the chemistry.

How do you get potassium nitrate out of a mixture with calcium carbonate?

calcium carbonate+ nitric acid. a strong acid would replace a weaker acid in most ionic compounds, so you would produce calcium nitrate and carbon dioxide. well, being that nitric acid is widely UNAVAILABLE to most people, it is easy to find potassium or sodium nitrate. if you are going specifically for calcium nitrate you can double displace calcium carbonate with potassium or sodium nitrate resulting in potassium or sodium carbonate and (aq) calcium nitrate. the potassium or sodium carbonate will probably precipitate out much quicker than the nitrate depending on how exact your equation for displacement is. and you should be left with (aq) calcium nitrate. boil off the water and preferably recrystallize for purity. if youre using calcium carbonate just to get any form of nitrate, i recommend simply buying potassium nitrate. if it is not assessable in your area and are trying to get an oxidizer ( i assume thats why you are trying to make a nitrate) i recommend going with a chlorate or perchlorate, these are easier to make at home through electrolysis.

What is lime?

Lime is Calcium Carbonate (usually upto 96% plus other metallic elements) in it's natural form, when you burn it, it becomes calcium oxide, generally speaking for building you then add it to water making calcium hydroxide then it resets back to calcium carbonate... thus the lime cycle.