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Active sites of enzymes (where the substrates fit in) are substrate specific, and are complementary to the shape of the molecule (substrate). In this way, enzymes can only act on a specific substrate, since that is the only shape that it will accommodate in the active site.

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Q: Why must a molecule have a specific shape if it is to be a substrate of an enzyme?
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What is a induced fit hypothesis?

a. The substrate can be altered so it is induced to fit into the enzyme's active site. b. The enzyme changes its shape slightly as it binds to the substrate. c. The enzyme is altered so it is induced to fit many different types of substrate. d. Several sites on an enzyme can be induced to act on a substrate.

How does an enzyme become denatured?

An enzyme becomes denatured when: A) the temperature exceeds the optimum temperature for that enzyme (ie the temperature that it works best at) B) the pH of the surrounding of the enzyme is too low or too high for the optimum pH for that enzyme. When enzymes are heated up too much they vibrate so vigorously that the bonds holding the protein structure in its specific shape becomes broken. The enzyme shape changes and the substrate no longer fits in to the active site. An enzyme which has become denatured is permanently inactive and will take no further part in reactions.

How does the induced fit model help to explain non-competitive inhibition?

The induced fit model is the theory that instead of enzymes and substrates fitting exactly together, as in the lock and key model, the enzyme changes shape around the substrate to bind with it. Non-competitive inhibition is where the inhibitor does not fit into the active site, but into another site on the enzyme instead, which changes the shape of the active site.

What are 4 ways enzymes can lower activation energy?

1. orienting(direction) substrates correctly 2. straining substrate bonds 3. Providing a favorable micro environment 4. Covalently bonding to the substrate got the answers from my AP Bio notes....

Why does sucrase not hydrolyse lactose?

"because the reaction is to slow to make an effect, if a enzyme is added then it can hydrolyse lactose but it can take more than 6 years without the addition of an enzyme" Is bull**** the real answer is because the active site of the two substances are different and so the sucrase becasue Lactose has a different shape/structure which does not fit/bind to active site of enzyme/sucrase.

Related questions

Can an enzyme bind to nearly any molecule?

No; enzymes have substrate specificity, which means the substrate has to be a specific shape for the enzyme to bind to it.

What happens after a substrate binds to an enzyme?

Substrate a reactant molecule that binds to an enzyme. It has a specific shape that is complementary in shape to the active site of the enzyme. Product the substance or substances produced by the reaction between the enzyme and substrate.

Why are enzymes three dimensional shape so important?

An enzyme's three dimension shape is important to the binding that occurs between the enzyme itself and its specific substrate, forming the enzyme-substrate complex. In order for the enzyme to create a reaction it is important that the shape of the enzyme binds the substrate to the active site where the chemical reaction occurs. One other thing to consider is the shape that the enzyme takes that allows only its specific substrate to bind and not any other molecule.

The specificity of an enzyme is due to its active siteThe active site is a shape only a certain?

An enzyme's active site will bind with only a specific substrate. Any other kind of substrate will be rejected by the active site.

Why is hair not an enzyme?

Hair like enzymes are made of protein. However for a protein to be an enzyme it must have a very specific tertiary structure (shape) and have an active site that has a complementary shape to part of its substrate molecule. ie the enzyme must fit with the thing that it breaks down The tertiary sructure of hair is not highly folded and does not have a complementary shape to a substrate molecule therefore it is not an enzyme

What is the part of the enzyme called that has a specific shape to fit with a specific substrate?


Why is the shape of an enzyme important?

The shape of an enzyme is important because enzymes are shape specific. Each enzyme can only react with one kind of substrate, and the enzyme's shape determines which substrate that is. They fit together like a "lock and key". If an enzyme is denatured (or its shape is altered from its active form), then it will not be able to bind to its substrate and the substrate's activation energy will not be lowered, usually resulting in the cessation of whatever reaction the substrate is undergoing.

What does a enzyme-substrate complex do?

An enzyme-substrate complex is formed when a subtrate molecule binds with the active site of an enzyme that is of similar shape and size. The active site of the enzyme will alter slightly to combine with the substrate molecule. This will put an strain on a particular bond of the substrate molecule, which will lower the activation energy for the reaction as the bond will break more readily. The substrate is then catalysed.

What is the part of the enzyme that binds with the substrate?

The part of the enzyme where the substrate attaches itself to is known as the "active site". The active site of an enzyme is a part of the molecule that has just the right shape and functional groups to bind to one of the reacting molecules. The reacting molecule that binds to the enzyme is called the substrate.

Are Enzymes specific to particular molecules?

Enzymes are proteins that catalyse (speed up) a reaction. They are very specific; enzymes will only bind a very specific molecule (or molecules containing a very specific chemical group). They normally have no effect on molecules that are not their substrate (the specific type of molecule they can interact with). Enzymes work because they have a specific shape and an 'active site'. The active site is the part of the enzyme that will bind its substrate and it may be charged in specific places so that it attracts and binds tightly to the substrate. Because the active site is the right shape and charge for the substrate, it can bind it efficiently and when it does this it causes the enzyme to change shape and catalyse a chemical reaction. Other molecules that are the wrong size, shape or charge will simply not fit into the active site or will be repelled, so the enzyme doesn't affect them. Some enzymes contain complex metal ions at their active site which help create the right conditions to bind the substrate, by adding a certain charge in a certain place. Enzymes can be 'fooled' by molecules of a very similar size, shape and charge as their normal substrate. Many toxins work in this way, by being similar to a certain molecule that the enzyme normally binds to. The toxins cause a problem because they are slightly different from the actual substrate and so don't react but just occupy the active site permanently or until they fall out. This means that the enzyme is useless.

Give 2 explanations for the fact that only certain substrate molecules will fit into this part of the enzyme molecule?

A substrate molecule will only fit into the active site if it is a complimentary shape. Also the amino acids that make up an enzyme have positively and negatively charged chemical groups so in orderr for a substrate to fit its active site any electrical charges on the substrate molecule must not be repelled by like charges on the enzyme so the charged groups on the enzyme molecule and substrate molecule must attract one another

How enzyme structure makes an enzyme very specific?

Enzymes are proteins, which are made up of amino acids. Each enzyme has a different sequence of amino acids and changing even one amino acid will mean that the tertiary structure of the enzyme will be lost and so will it's active site. As enzymes are substrate specific, only a certain substrate will bind to its active site, due to its amino acid sequence determining the shape of the active site.