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"because the reaction is to slow to make an effect, if a enzyme is added then it can hydrolyse lactose but it can take more than 6 years without the addition of an enzyme" Is bull**** the real answer is because the active site of the two substances are different and so the sucrase becasue Lactose has a different shape/structure which does not fit/bind to active site of enzyme/sucrase.

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11y ago
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16y ago

enzymes are specific to one substrate and so omly breaks down one thing

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9y ago

Sucrose will not break down in the presence of lactase because lactase will only catalyze lactose. Enzymes are very specific in terms of their substrates.

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12y ago

sucrase can only break down sucrose and lactase breaks down lactose. look up the lock and key for enzymes

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13y ago

Sucrase is an enzyme which is specific for hydrolysing only sucrose. Thus it will not hydrolyse lactose.

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Q: Why does sucrase not hydrolyse lactose?
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What are the products of hydrolysis of maltose?

When a molecule of lactose is hydrolyzed the monomers that had linked together to form lactose will be pulled away from each other through the addition of lactose. Lactose is made from GLUCOSE AND GALACTOSE, henceforth these two monomers will emerge through the hydrolysis of lactose. Hope this helps...

What is the difference between a fecal and non-fecal coliform?

Fecal coliforms have the ability to ferment lactose at 44C +/- 0.05C while regular coliforms ferment lactose at 35C-37C

What kind of sugar is used by organisms?

Organisms use all types of sugars, ex. we eat lactose (milk) fructose (fruit) and sucrose (white sugar used in cooking) . Organisms break the sugars down into their parts, ex lactose= galactose+glucose

What is macconkey agar made out of?

Macconkey agar consists of agar, lactose, peptone, neutral red dye, crystal violet dye & bile salts. Bile salts inhibit growth of Gram positive bacteria & allow growth of Gram negative bacteria only. It differentiates lactose fermentating Gram negative bacteria from non lactose fermentating Gram negative bacteria.

Would you be able to distiguish maltose from lactose in a unknown sample from doing barfoed's test?

Both maltose aswell as lactose are disaccharides, where maltose is made up of two glucose units, whereas lactose is made up of 1 unit of glucose and 1 unit of galactose. Barfoed's test answers only for mono and disaccharides. Presence of red precipitate would indicate a positive result for monosaccharides. Thus doing Barfoed's test does not distinguish between maltose and galactose since both are disaccharides.

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Which sugar when hydrolyse would yield a molecule of glucose and galactose?


If lactase breaks down lactose and galactose then the enzyme sucrase breaks down?

The enzyme sucrase breaks down sucrose. Glucose and fructose are the products of this chemical reaction.

What happen to lactose that is not digested in the small intestine?

A: Lactose, or milk sugar, is digested by the enzyme lactase. Lactase is produced in the small intestine. It catalyses (speeds up) the digestion of lactose into two smaller sugars, glucose and galactose.

What is the optimal pH of sucrase?

The optimum pH for sucrase is 2.0

What hydrolyse starch?

amylase enzyme

What does it mean when it says enzymes are specific?

Enzymes are highly specific in their action. For example, enzyme maltase acts on sugar maltose and not on lactose or sucrose. Different enzymes may act on the same substrate but give rise to different products. For example, raffinose gives rise to melibiose and fructose in the presnce of enzyme sucrase while in the presence of enzyme melibiase it produces lactose and sucrose. Similarly an enzyme may act on different substrates like sucrase can act on both sucrose and raffinose producing different end products.

What is the main purpose of a sucrase?

Sucrase is an enzyme which catalyze the hydrolysis of sucrose to fructose and glucose.

What are some common enzymes?

Lactase is a common enzyme that breaks down lactose. Other common enzymes are diastase with aids in breaking down vegetable starch, sucrase which digests sugars, and protease which breaks down proteins

What do the Lysosomes do in an animal cell?

hydrolyse substances

What is sucrase secreted from?

Sucrase is a family of enzymes. Some of it is secreted from the salivary glands in the mouth but most of the sucrase activity is in the small intestines. In the intestines it is not secreted, but rather, contained in the wall.

Where is sucrase secreted?

Sucrase is synthesized in the small intestine by the brush border, and secreted by the tips of the villi epithelium, particularly in the duodenum

Name the three disaccharides and the enzymes that break them down into monosaccharides?

sucrose - common table sugar = glucose + fructoselactose - major sugar in milk = glucose + galactosemaltose - product of starch digestion = glucose + glucose