

History of the United States

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Reynold Kuphal

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2y ago
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Did Ptolemy developed a system to determine true north


What rights did women fight for

The right to vote

Is the US currency backed by gold

Yes, as well as silver and the governments promise to pay.

I would say no because it is not redeemable in silver or gold. To be backed by silver or gold would mean that you could cash it in for gold. This is why the value of our money has gone down because it is not backed by anything other than the government behind it. Since our government is Trillions in debt they can not guarantee the currency at all.

What best describes the great migration

African Americans went to Northern cities for better opportunities.

How did women fight for the right to vote

They Marched, Went On Hunger Strikes, & Staged Protests.

What did John Muir fight for

Environmental protection


I got it right

What was the one drop rule

If you had a black ancestors, you were considered black, regardless of your actual color.

Why did progressives work against monopolies

They wanted consumers to have choices.

What did the homestead strike show

The government was willing to use force to end strikes

Why did the author likely point out that the army beef besides was not fresh canned

The author was pointing out how the sellers of the beef were uncaring.

Who was the first women to serve in the congress

jeannette rankin

What was one action of the progressives took to help poor people

Worked for a national income tax. -Apex

John muir convinced teddy roosevelt that the best way to protect yosemite valley was through

John Muir convinced Teddy Roosevelt that the best way to protect Yosemite Valley was with federal control and management. This was back in history.

Based on the reading what was true about meatpacking plants

all above

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