

US Presidents

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Monica Abbott

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2y ago
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When are congressional seats reappointed

Seats in the Senate are reappointed every four years. Seats in the House of Representatives are reappointed every two years.

Who was the president prior to Eisenhower

truman truman truman truman

Which character did Gary Oldman play in the film JFK

Lee Harvey Oswald

The most important event of the southeast

For Southeast Asia, the Vietnam War.

Who were the presidents in the 1960s

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-61), John F. Kennedy (1961-63), Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-69), Richard M. Nixon (1969-74).

Dwight Eisenhower served out the final year of his administration in 1960. John Kennedy served until his death in 1963. Lyndon Johnson served under January 1969 when Richard Nixon took office.
* Dwight D. Eishenhower 1953-1961 * John F. Kennedy 1961-1963 * Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-1969

Who was the Dixiecrat candidate in 1948

Governor (and long-time senator) Strom Thurmond of South Carolina was the Dixiecrat (or as it was formally known, States' Rights Democratic Party) candidate. Governor Fielding Wright of Mississippi was his running mate.

Who developed the theory of containment

George F. Kennan, toward the Truman doctrine

Where in the world is Cambodia

Cambodia is a smaller country in southern Asia. it is near Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.

What countries allied Britain in ww1

The USA, France, Australia, Belgium and many other European countries.

When a railroad strike disrupted the economy in 1946 Truman tried to

Truman replaced the union workers with scabs

Who is communist north Korea or south Korea

North Korea is Communist and South Korea is Capitalist

What were the viemtminh the viet cong and the national liberation front

The Viet Minh were all Vietnamese men (whether they lived in the north or southern portions of Vietnam) fighting against the French (1946-1954).

The Viet Cong were SOUTHERN Vietnamese citizens aiding the North Vietnamse Army in their war against the RVN & US/Allies.

RVN=Republic of South Vietnam.

What did the hartley act do

The Taft-Hartley Act outlawed the closed shop

Which of the following states is a major coal mining industry to Maryland and VirginiaWest Virginia and Kentucky or Virginia and North Carolina

Which of the following states is a coal mining major industry to

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When are congressional seats reappointed

Who was the president prior to Eisenhower

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US Presidents

13 cards

When are congressional seats reappointed

Who was the president prior to Eisenhower

Which character did Gary Oldman play in the film JFK

The most important event of the southeast

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