

American Revolution

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Jana Lockman

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2y ago
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Who wrote the Declaration of Independence in us

george washington wrote the declaration of independence in us

Which of the following is true about the currency printed by the Articles of Confederation government

it was not backed by gold silver or land
It was not backed by gold, silver, or land.

Which group benefited most from American independence

young white men

When did Spain in the American Revolutionary War happen

Spain in the American Revolutionary War happened in 1781.

According to the declaration of independence when a government works against the rights of the people what are the people allowed to do

According to the declaration of independence when a government works against the rights of the people " it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"

During the revolutionary war what was the definition of loyalist

A person who wanted the colonies to remain part of the British empire

What is a list of the following events in the correct chronological order.

Answer this question…The Townshend Acts were passedThe proclamation line was set.The Boston Massacre occurred.

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Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had no power to collect taxes True or False

Why could the American Revolution be thought of as a world war

What did France gain by helping the Americans win the Revolutionary War

Which of the following is true about the currency printed by the Articles of Confederation government

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Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had no power to collect taxes True or False

Why could the American Revolution be thought of as a world war

What did France gain by helping the Americans win the Revolutionary War

Which of the following is true about the currency printed by the Articles of Confederation government

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Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had no power to collect taxes True or False

Why could the American Revolution be thought of as a world war

What did France gain by helping the Americans win the Revolutionary War

Which of the following is true about the currency printed by the Articles of Confederation government

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What did the Declaration of Independence do

What was Nathaniel Gorham's view on representation

Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had no power to collect taxes True or False

How many states made up the US during the American revolution

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