

Colonial America

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Grover Carroll

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

Results of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years War, included:

  • Increased taxes on the American colonists to pay for the war
  • England acquired the former French territories in Canada and owned all the land from the Atlantic Coast to the Mississippi river.
  • French from Acadia were expelled and migrated to Louisiana, forming the Cajun culture
  • settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains was forbidden by the Crown
  • England acquired formerly French territory in the Caribbean and in India.
  • King George III taxed American colonists to pay for the war.
  • King George III would not let colonists settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Houses in Colonial America were most often made of which material

Wood was the most common material in colonial times.

Results of French and Indian War

Cause of French Indian war

What was the major economy of the middle colonies

Family farms and merchants

What was the major economy of the southern colonies

The South was a cash crop economy of cotton and tobacco.

Where did Samuel de Champlain establish his 1608 colony

in quebec

Which of these jobs in colonial America involved supplying raw products

a trapper- apex (;

What was true about cities in colonial America

Cities in Colonial America were unhealthy and crowded.

On a small colonial farm who most likely did the planting caring for and harvesting of the crops

The Husband

What group of people wanted slavery to be elimanated

The term "abolitionist" was used to describe people who wan=ted to abolish slavery around the world.

The urban middle class in colonial American most often included

The urban middle class in colonial America most often included the printers and apex.

A common issue in wars between Britain and France and the 1700s was

which rulers would lead European kingdoms

People in which colonial region mostly lived next to each other in towns with a common grazing area and public meeting house

New England

By the mid 1700s slaves in Virginia were

Private property, like farm animals.

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

Results of French and Indian War

What was the major economy of the middle colonies

What was the major economy of the southern colonies

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1 Review

What was one result of the French and Indian War

Houses in Colonial America were most often made of which material

What was the major economy of the middle colonies

How did landowners explain that owning slaves was all right

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

Houses in Colonial America were most often made of which material

What was the major economy of the middle colonies

How did landowners explain that owning slaves was all right

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What was one result of the French and Indian War

Houses in Colonial America were most often made of which material

What was the major economy of the middle colonies

How did landowners explain that owning slaves was all right

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