

History, Politics & Society

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Coty Bernier

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Cards in this guide (8)
What was the goal of nativists

To stop immigration =APEX

How did Jefferson learn what was in the Louisiana territory

from the reports of the corps of discovery

Which of these played a part in the increase in slavery

The Cotton Gin

How did the Great Awakening lead te colonists to decide to fight for independence

It encouraged people to stand up for their beliefs.

What statement best explains of international trade on American industries

Increased trade abroad made American industry more dependent on the rest of the world.

What is the purpose of Alexis Ohanian's TEDTalk

To illustrate the power of social media

What gave freedom citizenship and voting rights to African American men after the Civil War


Which of the following people was an important founder of the transcendentalism movement

Henry David Thoreau

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