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Irma Block

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What conditions make for a violent volcanic eruption

Magma with high silica content

What causes the pressure that allows diamonds to form in the mantle

The weight of the rocks in the crust and upper mantle results in the pressure that allows diamonds to form.

Which of the following is NOT a sedimentary structure Ripple marks Magma emplacement Mud cracks or Cross beds

Magma emplacements or Batholith are not sedimentary structures.

Why do earthquakes often happen near volcanic regions

both are caused by subduction zones

The top layer of the ocean floor is primarily

The bulk of the ocean floor is composed of ?

Which describes the solid flying debris from a volcano


A volcano that appears to be a large sunken depression is a

A caldera is the name for a large sunken depression on a volcano.

After an earthquake which type of seismic wave arrives second at a seismometer

S waves arrive second after an earthquake.

What depositional environments is coal formed in

A swamp

Is the following is an intrusive igneous body Pyroclast Lava Flow Lahar Batholith

Batholith is an intrusive igneous body.

What is the terms listed below are sediment transporting agents except


Is a type of physical weathering.

Frost wedging

What event happens underwater to a cause a tsunami


Sediment composition in a clastic rock is determined by all of the following EXCEPT
The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the earth's surface

The intensity of an earthquake measures the effect of an earthquake

Which is required for karst topography to form


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