

World War 1

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Casey Heaney

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2y ago
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What is a creditor nation

A country that is owed more money by other countries than it owes other countries.

Who were Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti


Who was the commander of American forces in Europe

General John J. "Blackjack" Pershing

Who was responsible for the agricultural policies of the unites states during world war 1

Herbert Hoover

What government agency was created to promote widespread support for the American war effort during world war 1

The Committee on Public Information

Why did congress pass the national defense act and the naval construction act in 1916

congress passed the acts because germany resumed their unrestricted submarine warfare. -novanet

World War 1 brought increased immigration to the US from which country


What prevented the United states from taking possession of Cuba after the Spanish-American War

the passage of the Teller Amendment by Congress when war was declared.-(Nova Net)

Movies posters and speeches helped fuel prejudice against which group of American immigrants

They helped fuel prejudice against German immigrants.

What hastened the entry of the United states in to world war 1

When world war 1 began, President Wilson wanted to United States to remain neutral.

In response to which event was the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) founded

the Palmer Raids

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Who were Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti

When was the ACLU founded

What was the effect of the sedition act of 1918

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World War 1

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When was the ACLU founded

What was the effect of the sedition act of 1918

Why did congress pass the national defense act and the naval construction act in 1916

Which group believed the language of Article 10 of the Treaty of Versailles contradicted the power of Congress to declare war

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