

Meteorology and Weather

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Evelyn Borer

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How is a front formed

A front forms when two or more air masses come in contact with each other. The front is usually a line where they meet.

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

There are several. The main ones are:

  • Photosynthesis
  • Carbonate formation
  • Dissolution of carbon dioxide into seawater
What is thought to have caused the ice ages

Earth's Precession

Ocean and wind currents are both caused by

uneven insolation

How do volcanoes affect Earth's climate

They cool it.

Why can bodies of water create microclimates

They cool and heat more slowly than the land around them

Which climate zone receives the highest insolation

The tropical climate zone receives the highest insulation.

When will condensation occur

When the surface temp. drops below the dew point temp

The location of the determines how cold it is in the midwestern US

Polar jet stream

What forms along the boundary where two contrasting air masses meet

a front

What does the L symbol indicate on a weather map

What does this symbol indicate on a weather map?

low pressure

The what keeps the climate of Great Britain warmer than it would normally be

The Gulf Stream.

When a cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass its called a what

When a cold FRONT catches up to a warm FRONT it is called an occluded front.

When a cold AIR MASS displaces a warmer AIR MASS it is a cold front.
Occluded front

Which climate zone tends to have cold winters and warm summers

Temperate climates have cold winters and warm summers.

What condition is required for all thunderstorms

For starters, the thing you will need for all storms is Low Air Pressure. So you will always need this for all thunderstorms.

What planet in our solar system features the runaway greenhouse effect


Which statement is true of jet streams

The polar jet stream lies between the polar easterlies and trade winds

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How is a front formed

Which process removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

What is thought to have caused the ice ages

Ocean and wind currents are both caused by

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