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Mason Ernser

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What is gene flow

Gene flow is genes moving between two populations.

the transfer of genes from one gene pool to another

two populations transferring genes

Why is evolution considered a scientific theory

There are two forms of "theory." Colloquial usage associates the word with a "guess." However, the scientific usage of the word calls upon a body of evidence to explain scientific phenomenon. For instance, we know the universe is comprised of Atoms; Atomic theory explains the makeup through physics equations. Likewise, Evolution theory explains the mechanism that powers speciation, namely natural selection. Both Atomic and Evolutionary theory are supported by a large body of evidence.

Second answer

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is fact.

The theory of evolution by natural selection explains much about the fact of evolution.

That is what theories in science do. They explain phenomenon by being the result of many tested hypothesis, supported by myriad lines of converging evidence, be internally consistent and be able to generate prediction for further testing.

What is an effect of adaptive radiation

Speciation Adaptive radiation refers to changes in a species in response to varying environmental conditions.

many new species form

Which type of organism most likely evolved first

microbes were the first inhabitants of earth. they are single-celled organisms; bacteria, fungi and protozoa. (: and Simple prokaryotes

Which is an example of genetic drift

The distribution of alleles changes due to random chance.


The allele frequency of a population changes due to a bottleneck effect. <apex>

Which animal adaptation happened before the others
bilateral symmetry

Tissue development

Development of a coelom

Which increases the rate of speciation

Population bottlenecks

Reproductive isolation

Niche availability

Which type of organism is the most complex

Which of these organisms is considered the most complex?

A database speeds up the sharing of scientific knowledge by

by assembling large amounts of information in a single location

Why would a finch population that lives on an island have a higher rate of specializing than a finch population tht lived in a large forest in north America

The island finches have more gene flow

What statements is most true about the adoption of cell phone technology by people in Africa

Which statement is ture about all adaptations

A scientist attends an annual conference hosted by the American society of agricultural and biological emgineers. at which type of event is he the most likely to hear an organized debate about genetic

Panel discussion

What is the correct interpretation of the cladogram shown below

Lizards evolved after earthworms.

Which organisms are most closely related

Apex is Mergus serrator and Mergus merganser.

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What is gene flow

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What is gene flow

What is an effect of adaptive radiation

Which is an example of genetic drift

Which increases the rate of speciation

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