

Literary Terminology

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Ben Pouros

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What is an example of a positive statement

A positive statement is a philosophical term for statements that simply state how things are without moral implications. An example of a positive statement would be "the grass is green".

Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

jin wang

Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a flat character

Suzy Nakamura

Which example shows a character arc

Paolo dislikes his new school, but after making friends and becoming move involved, he realizes that the school is fun.

What makes Tze-Yo-Tzuh the antagonist in the Monkey King plotline of American Born Chinese

He blocks the monkey king from achieving his goal.

In A Visit of Charity what does the nurse hear that makes her choose that specific room for Marian to enter

A cough

In American Born Chinese how does Jin Wang embarrass himself on his date with Amelia

He use soup as deodorant

Which situation is an example of an internal conflict

Multiple variations for the same question.

Mine is:

According to Watching the World from the Riverbank what does the setting of a story help create

Atmosphere and mood is correct for apex

According to Watching the World from the Riverbank what does setting help to enhance in a story

Atmosphere and mood -apex :)

At the conclusion of A Visit of Charity what does Marian do after leaving the nursing home

she runs to meet the bus and eats her apple

In A Visit of Charity why does Marian visit the ladies in the nursing home

to get points from the Campfire girls

In American Born Chinese what does Wong Lai-Tsao tell the Monkey King to do in order to be free from his rock prison

change back into his monkey form (apex)

In American born Chinese what happens after the monkey king chnages back into a monkey

he is able to free himself from the prison of rocks

Which person is an example of a flat character

bank teller who refuses to let the main character complete a transaction

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What type of conflict is simply awareness of conflict situation

Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

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What type of conflict is simply awareness of conflict situation

Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a flat character

Which type of sentence speeds up The pacing of a story

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Which character from American born Chinese experiences a character arc over the course of the novel

Which character from American Born Chinese is an example of a flat character

How does chin-kee embarrass Danny in American born Chinese

In American born Chinese what is Danny about to do when chin-kee comes to visit

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