

History of the United States

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Pansy Bednar

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What was one result of the domestic slave trade

Slave families were split up.

What was one goal of the Democratic Party

To expand the nation's territory.

Why did most Americans in the early 1800s produce everything they needed themselves

It was too difficult to travel to get goods somewhere else

What was an effect of the peace in Europe after 1815

european nations needed fewer foreign goods.

What was true about President Jefferson's decision to buy the Louisiana Territory

He was unsure if the purchase was allowed by the constitution.

What did political parties do for many years after the Missouri compromise

Political parties avoided the issue of slavery for many years after the Missouri compromise.

A key idea in the American system was to pay for improvements through

high tariffs.

Both the democratic and whig parties supported

White male suffrage. (APEX)

Early toll roads or turnpikes were developed as a result of what

Private and public cooperation

Which policy would be most likely be supported by the Democrats

Westward Expansion

What is a list of the following events in the correct chronological order.

Answer this question…The Townshend Acts were passedThe proclamation line was set.The Boston Massacre occurred.

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